How does VPS hosting improve your SEO?

? What is search engine optimization

Search engine optimization , or “SEO” for short, is the process of improving the quality and quantity of traffic to a website from search engines. The goal of SEO is to improve the visibility of a website so that it appears higher in search engine results such as Google. There are many factors that contribute to a website's ranking in a search engine, including the quality and quantity of site content, site structure, and site popularity.

Aside from other factors, the type of web hosting you choose will have a direct impact on your SEO efforts. A powerful and reliable web hosting platform will support your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts and help your website rank at the top of search engine results pages. Various types of web hosting solutions are available – shared hosting, cloud hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated servers. Each of them has its own structure and features that affect SEO. In today's article, we will take a look at VPS hosting and the ways in which it affects the SEO of websites. First, let's understand what VPS (or Virtual Private Server) hosting is.

?vps is what

Since hosting is very important for your site to grow in your field and make profits

vps hosting or Virtual Private Server Hosting is a type of web hosting service that offers the affordability of shared hosting but with the performance, reliability and flexibility of a dedicated server. VPS hosting is a great option for businesses or individuals who need more power and flexibility than shared hosting.

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In VPS hosting, websites share server resources, but some static resources are allocated to each website. For example, if the server has 128GB of RAM, it might split it into two or more parts.

The amount of RAM will then be allocated to each account holder created in the server as specified by the resources allocated to each account only and will not be exploited even if other accounts need to.

Impact of VPS hosting on your SEO


One of the most important advantages of having a VPS hosting setup is the fact that you are getting your own small server, for example if you already have other sites on the server then this will not affect your site and it will be independent from others and you will not be affected by the speed, performance, uptime and general security of your site your web in a VPS setup of any other website sharing your server. This has an impact on search engine optimization.

the speed

Your website speed has a very big impact on SEO. Google, Bing, or any other search engine doesn't want to take people to a website that takes a long time to load, so search engines prefer a website that loads quickly so people can access information without a long wait.

These days, page load time is critical for people and customers will not wait for long and will go elsewhere.

With vps hosting , you can have complete control over the speed at which your website runs, by isolating the account with dedicated resources, and VPS hosting ensures super fast speed. And if there is a sudden increase in traffic, and you need more resources, you can smoothly scale the resources to manage the increase in traffic. Thus, VPS hosting ensures good speed and performance of your website.

Reaching the highest power in the server root

VPS servers

One of the most important advantages of VPS hosting is root access. Root access basically gives you full access to your server and you get the highest permission and full authority. This means that you can install dedicated SEO software such as Varnish or Redis Web Cache plugin.

With root, you can install more secure third-party applications, change security configurations to ensure better protection, close all unused ports, prevent applications from unnecessary access to the Internet, and do a lot of other things that make your website more secure and reliable and change configurations and generally adjust your website to your needs.

This in turn has an impact on your SEO. As we saw earlier, safe and reliable websites are boosted in search results. The most secure and reliable website appears higher than the unsecured and untrusted websites.


Website security is not only essential to growing your website and gaining customers' trust; It is also important to the search engine optimization process. If your website shares resources with a website that has a poor security setting, it opens up a lot of opportunities for hackers, hackers, and malware.

This could put files important to your business at risk, or even destroy your website. Again, this becomes a problem for SEO.

By using vps hosting, you will not only be isolated from the problem but also have more control over the environment. Account isolation eliminates “bad neighbor” issues. On the other hand, with the highest viability in your server, you can configure a website to be as secure as you like.

What are the types of VPS servers?

VPS hosting can be categorized into two main types: managed VPS hosting and unmanaged VPS hosting.

Managed VPS Hosting 

Managed VPS hosting often refers to hosting your own fully managed virtual server. It comes with pre-installed dashboard software, allowing you to save your time and invest your focus on growing other aspects of your online presence. Overall, managed VPS hosting is the best choice for new web hosts or users who lack technical knowledge to run a server.

Unmanaged VPS Hosting 

On the other hand, unmanaged VPS hosting is not managed by a third party and relies on the user to manage everything from start to finish. This type of service is great for users who have experience setting up and managing servers, as well as those who have free time.

So that the hosting provider allows you to take root control of your server and you can update the server, customize settings and applications, and download programs as needed.

?What is the best VPS hosting for your website

Our list of the best VPS providers includes a variety of different providers, but it is not necessarily a ranked list because all of the following services have an equal chance of being the best for you. What determines this is your site's requirements, your preferences, and how well each of these servers' strengths and weaknesses fit with your online business.

Here are the top four VPS hosting providers currently

On-Page SEO A complete explanation of internal SEO

Hetzner  : a very famous German company, characterized by its cheap prices for vps servers, and it is suitable for those who have a simple experience in managing servers and can manage their own servers.

Digitalocean : A very popular hosting provider that starts at $4 per month, and the ease of installing the server is very easy. It provides data centers in Europe, Asia and America.

Vultr  : A global competition company for me and a major competitor to Digital Ocean and one of the best servers that support Vps, starting at $5 per month. : One of the famous French companies in private servers and cloud services is famous among the Arabs, and the prices are cheap and the payment for a monthly subscription.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a very powerful tool of marketing strategy if used correctly. It is not only small websites but huge companies strive to have good SEO content on their websites.

If you are creating a website for your business, it is of utmost importance that you pay close attention to the topic of SEO. You will need premium content, great speed for your site, security, and uptime for your site to stand out in the search engines. Moreover, it is also worth all your efforts because optimizing your site for SEO will bring huge growth that paid advertising cannot achieve. And since web hosting plays an important role in your SEO process, it is imperative that you choose your suitable hosting plans with research and understanding of all hosting solutions.

VPS hosting can play an important role and a powerful help to your overall SEO strategy for your site. In addition, the prices of VPS are not very expensive, and given the range of features offered by VPS hosting plans, it is one of the most cost-effective hosting solutions.

Hosting companies have a lot of great VPS plans that are not only relatively inexpensive but also come with a lot of additional features and services, such as a free cPanel or other dedicated site management panels, free SSL certificate, full root access, advanced DDoS protection, and instant scalability. If you're thinking of building a website with a solid SEO strategy, VPS hosting plans might be exactly what you need - economical, secure, and powerful.

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