Top5 Google search results - that will guarantee you the result #1

 Getting top Google search results can be easy just by following the tips that I am going to explain to you today. Push the boredom away from you, you are about to have a fun trip.

There's a joke that says, "Where should you bury something you don't want people to find?"

Answer : On the second page of Google.

It sure has become an old joke. But this is a fact.

75% of people will never reach the second page of Google search results. This means that your goal cannot be to rank on the second, third, or fourth page. You will not get the clicks and visitor volume that you need to make SEO worth your time and money.

And you need this free traffic because 93% of online experiences start with a search engine.

On top of that, there are over a trillion searches every month !

Having a good SEO has the ability to bring in a large volume of visitors that will make your business grow over the years.

But the average website owner does not have the ability to rank on the first page of Google for the best keywords .

There are actually countless high-profile sites out there that take advantage of the best keywords in the industry.

And there are thousands of other bloggers trying to rank for this keyword as well.

This means that the deck is stacked. This is not in your favour.

However, you should not give up! There are a few proven methods I've used and found success with to get you on the first page of Google.

If you want to top the search results and rank higher in Google , you should follow the old adage: When you're in Rome, do as the Romans do. When owning a website that you want to get the best exposure on Google, do what Google wants you to do.

How to rank search results in Google

How to get high ranking in google fast. ? This is everyone's goal. After all, Google (and search engines in general) is the only playground in which our websites are fully featured and active. We show, play, fight and sell online. The offline environment is another story. But most people forget something. This success is not taken for granted, but rather built. Someone once said, “He who is great finds.”

Speaking of which, we've put together a list of 25 things that are indispensable to getting high in search results, things that Google said you should do in order to rank high in the SERPs . It will help you to increase the number of visitors and improve your site's ranking. They all get a lot of likes from Google. Check for yourself

Google is smart - they know how to like their food. Google is a fully automated search engine set to explore the web on a daily basis and find websites that deserve to be on the first pages. Many ask themselves what is the best way to get Google to like them in order to rank high in the SERPs. You have great content, a good and rich cookie, but Google does not put you in the top positions. So what should you do? We've collected all the things Google encourages you to do in order to rank higher in search results.

The truth is that there is no exhaustive list of everything Google says you should do to get a higher position, because we don't know how Google thinks. We just create a strategy, we will tell you if it fails, we will create another one. All successful strategies included these tips and things that you should take care of

What is a sitemap file

Before you start discussing what Google says, you should check if you are trying for the first positions in the search results, remember that. You should make sure to make your website compliant with Google in all aspects, avoid implementing shady practices on your website and thus ensure that you are not that person who monitors the SEO and marketing industry when trying to rank high.

It's good to know the overall picture of what you have to do to get your website to the top of the Google search. However, you should definitely check out all the things that Google has promised to make attractive to its search engine algorithms .

Improving the user experience is the first thing to think about before you think about being the top in search results

Of course the visitor is important, how not to improve your site for him.

Your website is the mainstay of your digital marketing efforts . Designing a great user experience for a site requires understanding the problems different visitors have to solve.

In today's marketing landscape, your site is a more powerful tool than ever. Your website is a 24/7 seller, and as such, can be your strongest asset and the focus of your marketing efforts.

However, rapidly changing digital trends can make your site look very outdated and outdated. While a remodel can sometimes be perfect, you may not have the time or money to invest in such a large project. To help you overcome this challenge, we have compiled a list of 10 simple ways you can improve your website to make it more useful and useful.

Use white space

I have heard on more than one occasion that customers complain that there is too much white space on their site and that these unused blank spaces should be used to advertise more of their services. However, white space is essential to good design. The white space makes your content more visible while also enabling the user to focus on the elements surrounding the text.

According to Crazy Egg , white space around text and titles increases user attention by 20%. White space can also make your site look open, fresh and modern, and if your branding is consistent with these elements, it can help you communicate that feeling to the user. However, one downside of white space to keep in mind is that it actually takes up space.

If you're trying to get a lot of content above the fold (above the part that can be seen right away without scrolling), having a lot of white space may replace some valuable information. The key is to find a balance between what is most important to communicate at the top and surround that with some space for the image and/or text to stand out.

Consider the website, Sara Does SEO , by Sara Dunn. In her user experience, there is plenty of white space right from the start, drawing your attention to what Sarah looks like and what she can do for you. This allows the reader to focus his attention on the most important things. Each section of the home page provides a clear header and some supporting points, making it easier to assimilate the information.

Check out her site below.

Improving the user experience helps to top the search results

The empty space between the elements of the site is very important to improve the user experience, which in turn helps to lead the search results

 Improve your page speed.

Your page load time is important for several reasons.

First of all, if your upload speed is too slow, Google will recognize it, and it will hurt your ranking.

But a slow website will also affect the way your visitors interact with your pages.

As a result, these negative interactions will affect your ranking as well.

Look at how high abandonment rates are for websites with long page load times:

This means that the SEO strategy you are using is very bad, eventually it will cause the number of visitors to decrease over time and may even reach zero

But on the flip side, if your page loads quickly, people will keep coming back.

Google's algorithm will learn about a website's popularity and adjust your site's search ranking accordingly.

One of the most frustrating experiences for web users is waiting for a page to load for too long. With the advent of mobile devices, people are accessing content all over the world via many different platforms. While browsing online at Starbucks or while watching TV on their laptop, they expect a quick result for the content they want.

When they don't get it, they usually go back. A slow page loading is an interrupted user experience and can be a source of frustration and users often don't have time to wait.

According to , an extra five seconds of page load time can increase your website's "bounce rate" by more than 20%.

So where are you going from here? Get your score. Google offers a free service where you can get information about your page speed. Google will also give you some suggestions to improve loading time on mobile and desktop.

Use the following tools, they are very important to improve the speed of your site:



Google Speed ​​Insights

This will allow you to test your site from different sites around the world.

If you find that your site is running slowly, you may want to check the appearance of your website and the plugins you are using.

If your slow server is the culprit, check out my list of the best web hosting providers and switch to a new host!

To improve your page speed, start by compressing all of your images before uploading them to your site. Image file size is one of the main reasons for slow page speed – using websites like can help you significantly speed up every webpage you own.

A great example of fast loading is Barnes and Noble. No matter what device Barnes and Nobles carries quickly. Take extra care to load a few important items first so you know the content is on its way. See for yourself .

Use catchy phrases to motivate customers to take action

Your customers are already accustomed to following visual cues to determine what content is important to them. Clearly tagged CTAs with an action will allow your users to more easily navigate your site and get exactly what they want in the location they expect to find .

When creating buttons for your site, you should consider color and color psychology. In a study by Maxymiser, researchers were shocked to discover that it achieved an 11% increase in clicks to Laura Ashley's checkout area, by testing color changes and action messages. Different colors evoke different messages. Think about the message you want to evoke to the user (trust, expertise, quality, intelligence) and choose your colors wisely.

The second thing to consider is the actual words you use for your buttons. Words must contain a verb or action word that provokes the user to do something. The appropriate words or psychological triggers are determined to a large extent by the level of emotional definition the word claims. No emotional connection means no work. So make your words bold, time-sensitive, and action-oriented.

WUFOO is a great example of good use of calls to action. The full page of the company is action oriented and uses buttons to encourage the user to move on to the next step. At the end of the page, you will see the use of time-sensitive language such as “Sign up now” and action-oriented language such as “Demo” and also “ Sign up for free” . These are active action words that drive and guide the user to move forward.

Mark the links within the content

When you add a link to any page, you say you want the user to click there. Ensure that links are easy to identify by visual cues. The underlined text and text of different colors grab the reader's attention and let them know which link they are going to click.

In a study by Karyn Graves, it showed that the average web user sees blue and underlined text as links and knows to click. Exploiting users' expectations and what they already know about using the web is tantamount to success.

When it comes to link differentiation, you don't need to reinvent a thing. Sticking to what is known can be your best ally here. A simple way to test the effectiveness of your links is to darken and remove color from the design and see what stands out.

When hyperlinking, also stop thinking about the length of the hyperlink. The longer the link addresses, the easier it is to identify them. For example: “To check out the GE website, click here .” vs. “ Check out the GE website here .” Which one is better in your opinion? If you enjoy this often overlooked free miso

 Divide the basic information by points

Take advantage of all methods of writing information

Take advantage of all methods of writing information

Bullets will enable the user to quickly get all the information he wants: the benefits, the ways you solve his problem, the main features of the product/service - all in a short period of time. This will make your proposals more attractive and enable the user to get all the information they need. Plus, you don't have to go the traditional route with a simple circuit.

With so many great icons, you can also get creative with your frankness and help the reader more with images that represent your point of view. Why did he do this? Because it forces you to isolate the most important points you are trying to raise without getting caught up in terms or details.

In the image above from SEMrushK, you can see several things:

The space between the elements makes you feel comfortable before you read the content.

The numbered list makes you understand that everything is in stages, and it is brief, short and light text and explains what is meant.

Icons help you understand more.


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