The most important criteria for ranking in search engines: Ranking Factors

 The most important criteria and factors that search engines use to rank results

Among the most important criteria used by search engines in ordering results are two main criteria:

The first criterion: is the relevance of the content of the page with the keyword that the user is searching for in search engines 

The second criterion: is how important our page is compared to other similar pages on the Internet

How search engines work and rank results

For example, there is a person who wants to search for “the best tourist places in the Arab world”, the mechanism by which the search engine works now is to check all the pages it has in the index, then the search engine filters the results and checks all these pages, each of them on a page page In terms of the relevance of these pages to the keyword that the user searched for, and also in terms of how important these pages are on the Internet. 

Search results ranking criteria:

The first criterion: The presence of the keyword or its synonyms within the main title tag of the page, or it is called the (Title) tag or (Title Tag), and for more clarity, the main heading tag is the text that appears on the tab of the Internet browser.

Note : This criterion is important for search engines ; Because the title tag of the page is a very brief summary of the content of this page, and as a result it must contain the most important information about the content of the page.

?What are the best practices when creating a page header tag?

The main title tag of the page is unique across the site pages, ie no two pages on the same site share the same header tag.

The headline tag should describe briefly, but the page content must be accurate.

The keyword or its synonyms should be within the first part of the main title tag.

The headline tag should be of appropriate length, not long or short. This is through the use of certain tools such as the main address tag preview tool to ensure that it is within the appropriate length, and these tools (Serp, and to access this tool we write in the URL (Serp

On-Page SEO A complete explanation of internal SEO

Where we see on the screen below that through this tool we can preview the main title of the page (Title) shaded in yellow so that this headline is within the appropriate length, so that it is neither short nor long, so that the person who uses the Google search engine can see address in full.

We also note that this title is appropriate, knowing that we have the opportunity to add words that can make this headline more clear, and explain better about the page. And we may sign with the name of our website.

Note : The presence of numbers in the headline will attract attention, and make the user click on this result. For example, if we add to the title “Top 10 Tourist Places in the Arab World,” this number will be more attractive and contribute more clicks to our results on search engines.

The second criterion: that the keyword or its synonyms are present within the URL of the page in the browser.

Page Address (URL): The text used in an Internet browser to access a particular website or page within that website. For example, (

URL Best Practices

1- We use understandable language when we create the page address ( URL ), and avoid using meaningless symbols.

Note: We can use Arabic letters and words within the page title (URL).

2- Each page on our website has a unique page address ( URL ) ; That is, there are no two addresses for the same page on the same site.

3- Use a clear direction and a clear structure within the page title (URL), which means that we use clear labels for the site's sections and internal pages, as this helps the search engine know where this page is within any section on the site.

For example: ( We note here that Google ads use clear labels for sections and pages.

The third criterion: The presence and repetition of the keyword and its synonym in the text logically, as it makes the text understandable by the reader and helps the search engine to understand the text, it means that we create content centered on a specific topic related to the keyword that we focus on, so that the topic is covered comprehensively and presented It is valuable to the reader and has unique content and uses photos and videos if possible to explain the topic in the best possible way.

Fourth criterion : The presence of the keyword or similar synonyms in the meta description tag of the page. This is considered part of the page's programming code, bearing in mind that it is a simplified description of the page's content. It is part of the page's programmatic code and does not appear to the reader on the site page and may appear on the results page as well.

?What are the best practices for the page description tag

1- The description should be unique at the site level.

2- It should contain the keywords and their synonyms.

3- It should be within an appropriate length, so that it is neither long nor short. To be sure, we can use preview tools such as Serp to preview the description of the page. Where we use this tool to get the appropriate length of the description and contains the keywords and helps the user to understand the content of this page well.

For example, we write in the (Description) “Learn about the best tourist places in the Arab world and watch videos that talk about tips when visiting these places”, and that we can use a text longer than that so that it does not exceed (165 characters) and this tool enables us to preview how it will appear Description and headline on search engines, especially the search engine (Google).

The fifth criterion: the speed of loading the pages of the website (download). Most website visitors like to get to the information they need as quickly as possible, and for this reason, these visitors distinguish and frequent the pages of the website that open quickly, and basically what search engines seek is to provide the researcher with the most accurate information on the best website. Therefore, each of us should always try to have the speed of page loading as fast as possible, knowing that Google has developed a tool that helps to know the speed of loading any page on our site, and also provides recommendations that if we apply it will improve the speed of our site, this tool is called (Google Pagespeed insights).

The sixth criterion: The compatibility of the site with smart phone devices, did you know that smart phone devices are the highest percentage of devices used in surfing the Internet, as they have become significantly higher than computers, and they are constantly increasing. For this reason, we have to focus and pay attention that the pages of our site are compatible with smart phones, and therefore the search engine will give priority in search results to pages and sites compatible with smart devices. There is a tool from Google that helps us check this and gives us recommendations for improvements. This tool is called (Mobile friendly test). 

The seventh criterion: that the site is encrypted and uses the ( https ) protocol , meaning that the data transmitted between the user and the website is encrypted, as this ensures additional protection and security. In short, the search engine tries to point the researcher to pages that contain the most content related to the keyword and at the same time are important pages; Any popular on the Internet offers the user the best user experience.

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