Should you use keyword synonyms?

 Synonyms (and LSI) were initially used as a way to combat spam.

Although Google was never a specific keyword-based search engine at the time, it was not completely immune to spam (more commonly known in scientific circles as Term Spamming). This type of spam focuses on search query terms, which is why it is referred to as search term spam.

With the advent of Hummingbird Update and an increase in natural language processing capability (an attempt to understand language beyond keyword relevance), the search marketing industry responded by recommending the use of synonyms for better rankings.

The thinking goes that in order for it to be topically relevant to a sentence you have to append your web page with the synonyms. But this strategy is a "handkerchief back" solution to a very complex problem.

I'm sure if you understand everything you will improve your keyword research. Follow

The advice to use synonyms in a web page is literally a joke

On-Page SEO A complete explanation of internal SEO

The use of synonyms is clearly a simplistic approach because it is so relevant. It's an old-fashioned spam hoax based strongly on rankings for keyword relevance, and it's a strategy that no longer works. In my opinion, it is not necessary if you focus on experience, authority and trustworthiness.

Even in 2005, stated in the research paper mentioned above, the goal is to present the most important and important web pages.

Keywords are about user intent

Keyword search, intentions

Words and phrases can have multiple user objectives.

SERPs are requested to satisfy most people's user intent. Thus, if the user intent you choose to satisfy is less common, you will never rank with your pieces of content at the top of Google search results. that's good! There is nothing you can do to change this situation when it happens.

Not to be overly technical, but other market research, SEO audits and patents deal with the use of past searches, location, and other factors to customize the order of sites that appear in results. However, it is likely that this is not the norm across a wide range of queries.

At the beginning of this chapter, I mentioned that better use of words is important. Understanding the user's intent for a keyword phrase is critical because it will guide the purpose of the page.

The Search Quality Guidelines state that each page is evaluated according to how it meets the goals of the site's visitors. Quality guidelines state that the best pages “fully meet user intent” for a query.

There is a ratings category called Fully Meets. It is applied to cases where the user's intent is unambiguous. This is especially true for e-commerce phrases where the intent to purchase is clear. Fully Meets is the gold standard for user query satisfaction and becomes the first page in the ranking for an unambiguous query.

In my opinion, your goal should be to satisfy user intent even in vague queries, where you can identify all possible user intent and then choose which user intent you will satisfy.

How does Google determine a site that “fully meets” a user’s needs

The query and user must be specific, clear and unambiguous.

The result should be quite satisfactory for the mobile users, and it requires minimal effort for the users to get what they are looking for or use it right away.

The result will be all or almost all users completely satisfied – users issuing this query will not need additional results to fully satisfy the user's intent.

In other words, the Flies Meets rating should be reserved for results that are a “complete and integrated answer or answer” so that no other results are necessary to satisfy all or nearly all users.

The top-ranked sites rank in the top ten because their web pages satisfy the most popular user intent for this key phrase.

Tags Popularity

Understanding the user's intent for a phrase is important because it will guide your content creation strategy.

In the case of ambiguous user intent, where a keyword phrase has multiple meanings, it is important to make a list of all the different user intents.

If you search on Google, you may be able to discern different user intentions. The most common variation is likely to be the most ordered one.

Here's an important look:

For many search queries, the top ranked sites do not rank higher because they have more links pointing to their pages. It also does not rank first because it contains all relevant keywords.

The best sites are ranked in the top ten because their web pages satisfy the most common user intent for that relevant keyword phrase.

If there are three user intents for a query, this will be the most common user intent that will be highlighted at the top - not the site with the most keyword anchor text.

This literally gives the popular keyword phrase a whole new meaning!

If the user's intent is split between more users searching for academic purposes and users searching to make a purchase, Google will rank web pages that are more informational than transactional. No matter how many links you collect to your page, if the user intent of your page is unpopular, you will never be able to crack the top five search engines.

The ranking of keyword phrases is no longer about the ranking of web pages with the most links and the most complete content. It's about arranging web pages that fully satisfy the user's most common intentions.

"Supreme" means that something is of paramount importance, more important than anything else. That's why I used this word when I said that understanding user intents for keyword phrases is critical.

This also relates to what was stated at the beginning of this guide, that keywords are still important for SEO, but in a completely different way from what they were used to.

google trends

Keywords are a window into what users want, the user's intent. Google Trends is a good tool for determining searcher intent and changes in how organic keywords are used.

Google Trends will help you see how search terms are trending up, trending down, trending in a cyclical pattern, and identify regional patterns.

Mistakes you make when converting to your site


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