Mistakes you make when converting to your site

Optimizing Landing Pages/Service

Similar to your home page, landing pages and service pages can be the first thing users encounter when they come to your site.

For this reason, these pages should be optimized for both conversions and SEO. Meaning, it shouldn't be an afterthought and should serve your business as much as any other page on the site.

The difference with these pages is that you are more likely to address a single topic or pain point, rather than covering a range of benefits as you did on the main page.

You should make it clear early on what issue you are trying to address to your customers and clients, what information can be found on that page and what action they should take to contact you or obtain more information.

A disguised H1 tag/header is the first step in this process. Like the home page example, it should relate directly to what users are searching for, all while containing the focus keyword for that page, if possible.

Outline the page in a way that encourages users to keep reading and looking for more information. Having a wall of text with little to no organization will make users yawn, or worse, may cause them to bounce off the page.

The H2 and H3 brands are your best friends here, as they can lead users on this journey with thought-provoking questions, descriptive titles and more. It is also an opportunity to use more keywords.

Finally, like the home page, you'll want to include a CTA (Calls to Action) throughout and at the bottom of the page. This way, you can capture users at the end of the page if they decide they're ready to contact you.

On-Page SEO A complete explanation of internal SEO

Your landing pages and service should be well organized and written on purpose. It is not a place for keyword stuffing, huge blocks of text, or obnoxious sales copy. Your main goal here should be to address a very real conflict or concern in your audience, and then convey how you are a unique and effective solution to that problem.

Blog Articles

Many SEO experts and business owners alike make the mistake of using blog posts as filler content only. I feel like if you're going to spend time or money on a piece of content, it should work for you in some way. This could be by generating organic traffic, promoting content upgrading, or providing value to your audience.

I am a proponent of longer informative content on short blog posts. Your brand messaging matters a lot here. If your blog posts don't work coherently with the rest of your web copy, users will still feel confused and even uncomfortable. If your blog content is disconnected, it will be difficult for your audience to trust your knowledge and feel that you are the best fit for them.

Listen to your audience, and create content that answers their queries and addresses their concerns. Even if you're not well versed in SEO, you can still rest easy knowing that this is content your audience wants to read.

Postings, if done well, can be posted on their own. If you provide enough value, your audience will be inundated to find out more, sign up for the freebie, and sign up for your newsletter.

Here are a number of tips to help improve blog posts

Use the H2 and H3 tags to break the content into well-organized pieces that guide the reader through the post.

Use italics and bold, images, videos, GIFs, and more to keep them shared.

Include references to posts and other pages on your site through internal links to reduce this information gap.

Make your blog posts fun, easy to read and fuzz-free.

Stay on brand and use terms your audience will relate to and understand.

Overall, your blog posts are another opportunity to connect with your audience, so don't waste! By incorporating your brand messages into your posts, you can address your audience's real concerns and provide more value, which helps build trust.

Include your existing SEO strategy, then your content is best suited to search engines and potential clients/clients.

Your brand messages matter

Although there is often an overlooked in SEO content writing, brand messaging is important when it comes to driving conversions across your web copy.

Your homepage, landing pages/landing pages, and even blog posts are all opportunities to connect with your target audience and convey what your business really intends. It gives them a glimpse into what your business stands for, what it offers, and why you might be the best fit for them.

If your web pages are generating organic traffic but not converting, you probably haven't found the right message for your audience yet. Home in this, incorporate it into your content, and be in awe of the results.

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