How to find archived pages in Google search engine

How to find out what pages are archived on Google You can use special searches to see sample results that show how Google indexes your site. To see a complete list of these models, use the info: operator like this: See below for more details on the type of each search. 

See the indexed pages of your site

Use the site: operator like this: (Note: Do not put a space between the operator and the URL).

You can perform a full-scale search or limit it to a specific subdomain or subdirectory – for example,

What is a sitemap file

To exclude pages from the search, use the minus sign (-) before the operator. For example, a search returns all pages that have been indexed on the domain without the pages from

If you use site: to perform a search for a redirected page, you will see the redirected URL in the results. This is normal. For example, suppose that is redirected to Doing a search for will return results from Redirects like these do not affect your page's ranking. 

Use (You can use or, but the first search will return more comprehensive results.) You can also search for links to specific pages or directories: 

See your Google Site Cache

Use the cache: operator to see an archived copy of a page that has been indexed by Google. For example, a search with returns the last indexed version of the Googlee homepage, as well as information about the date the cache was created. You can also display a copy of the page in plain text. This is useful because it tells Googlebott what Googlebott thinks of the page.

If you don't want searchers to be able to access a cached version of your page, use the meta tag to prevent archiving like this: 

Google will continue to crawl and index the page, but the cached link will not appear to users in search results.

The related: operator displays websites similar to the one you are looking for. It displays the same results you get when you click on similar pages next to one of the results that appear on the search results page.

This search process is similar to searching in a library for books similar to the story of Juha and the Donkey. Results may include other children's books, a J.K. Rowling biography, or a true story about children's literature. In general, you can use this operator to find resources that overlap. You will get the best and most useful results if you use sites that cover a wide range of content.

Google uses many factors to determine how similar different sites are. However, the quality of the sites displayed does not affect your ranking or how Google indexes your site

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