Explanation of Yost's conditions for writing an article

The Yoast SEO extension is one of the most popular SEO tools in recent times, and this comes due to the role of this extension in improving the on-page SEO of your site; In other words, achieving the full mark in the appendix requires a comprehensive knowledge of all Yoast SEO conditions, and they represent the SEO conditions. This is what will be the focus of our discussion in this article, where we will give you a detailed and detailed explanation of the terms of Yoast SEO and how to publish search engine results using them.

How Yoast Seo Extension Works

Generally, Yoast SEO plugin targets two parties in its algorithm: the search engines and the visitor. It includes conditions that comply with the criteria for the issuance of search engine results; At the same time it helps you organize the content to improve the user experience of your site.

Yoast SEO works in a traffic light-like system, where you find 3 colors in terms of SEO optimization; They are green, yellow and red. Each color has its own meaning, which indicates:

The red color indicates that your content does not comply with the terms of the search engine results

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While the yellow color indicates that your content still needs some improvements to be compatible with search engines.

While the green color indicates the full compliance of your content with the conditions of Yoast SEO and therefore SEO.

In the beginning when you click on the add a new article icon, and when you go to the bottom of the page, you see both the terms of the SEO and the terms of readability are greyed out; Meaning that the Yoast SEO plugin did not find the key phrase to check your content against that phrase.

When you enter the keyword phrase, gray turns red; Meaning that your content does not yet comply with any of the SEO terms. If you start to meet the conditions listed in the appendix, the red color will turn green; Indicates that your content has begun to comply with the terms of the search engine results.

Note : If you have prior knowledge of SEO, after you create an article that is compatible with what you know of the terms of SEO, you can measure the extent to which the article complies with those terms. You make a decision to improve it or leave it as is.

Structuring the terms of Yoast Seo

The conditions for Yoast SEO are divided into two parts. The first section is related to SEO conditions, which includes 14 conditions, and the second section is related to Readability conditions, which in turn contains 6 conditions; The sum of the terms of the Yoast SEO extension is 20, and by optimizing all of them, you will definitely be able to write an article that tops the search engine results. Below we will explain the structure on which each of the two sections is based:

Section One: SEO Terms

The first section of Yoast SEO terms - SEO Section

As for the SEO terms, they are the terms that make your content agree with the SEO terms and make it search engine friendly. We mentioned that it includes 14 conditions, and each condition is important in the search engine results. which is next:

Key phrase in the title

Show title SEO

Key phrase in metadata

Metadata length

Key phrase length

Key phrase in the gentle noun (Slug)

Key phrase in the foreground

Key phrase in subtitle H2 and H3

Key phrase density

text length

Image alt text attributes

Outbound External Links

Internal links

Previously used key phrase

Section Two: Readability Conditions


As for readability conditions, they are 6 conditions that concern the visitor by improving the user experience and producing content that meets his needs, making him continue to use the Google search engine. Now it seems to you why is content quality and readability important, right? So below we will mention these conditions of readability:

sentence length

Paragraph length

consecutive sentences

Distribution of subheadings


Transition words

Explain the terms of the Yoast SEO extension and how to achieve them

After we have understood together how the Yoast SEO extension works and reviewed its conditions, let us go to the most important part, which is a detailed explanation of all these aforementioned conditions and how to achieve them correctly.

We will start, with God’s blessing, with the first section of the terms of the Yoast SEO Supplement regarding the terms of SEO, where we will discuss each condition in it and how to achieve it. let's go!

Key phrase in the title

If we consider your content as a home, the address is the door through which visitors will enter that home. That is why the first place where the main phrase of the article should fall is, of course, the title. The importance of the title among the conditions of SEO is significant and significant; So that the first thing a visitor sees about your site is the title, ignoring the description, the link, and even the name of your site. That is why it is necessary to include the keyword in the title so that the visitor knows that the article on your site will find the information he was looking for.

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Speaking of including the key phrase in the title, the inclusion should not be limited to mentioning the key phrase alone, but you must include it within an appropriate context that makes the visitor click on the title without hesitation; In other words, focus on more suspense and enthusiasm in your titles.

The more attractive and interesting the title, the more it contributes to increasing the number of visits and click rates significantly. So try to formulate the title in a very interesting and attractive way; For example, if the content talks about the most important recipes for weight loss, write a title such as: “By relying on these recipes, say goodbye to obesity” or “Magic recipes that get rid of obesity forever.” Get away from the boring wording of the title that includes the keyword alone, put yourself in the place of this visitor and choose any title that would attract you if you were the visitor.

By relying on titles like this, the interaction of visitors with the attractiveness of your title will increase and thus increase the volume of visits to your site.

 Display SEO title

Regardless of the attractiveness of the title and its suspense to the visitor, there is no point in all of that if it is a long title. A long title bores the visitor and leaves him with an initial impression that your content will not meet his needs, but it will only be a waste of time. For this reason, it is always recommended that the title be of medium length, between 55-60 characters, according to the terms of the Yoast Seo extension, in order for it to appear fully to the visitor.

You must take into account the visitor's vision of long titles, put yourself in the visitor's place and you will find that the visitor will never pay attention to your site. Do not forget that today's visitor has hundreds of options to choose from, so you have to stand out from your competitors; The closest thing you can distinguish is the title. It is also worth noting that the key to choosing your site visitor is to find the keyword that he is looking for in your address, and with some suspense and enthusiasm, congratulations on your visit.

 Key phrase in the metadata

One of the most important principles of the visitor while browsing the search engines is that wasting time is unacceptable, and this is what makes him careful in choosing the content that suits him; One of the most important criteria for his choices is to read the article description, whether or not it includes the key phrase he is looking for. This is where the article's meta description is important; As it gives the visitor a brief description of the most important ideas embodied in the content of your article, so that the visitor decides whether to enter your article or not. That is why it is important that the description include the main phrase and the most important ideas that the article addresses in order to ensure a positive interaction by everyone who reads your article description looking for information.

As we mentioned above about the title, excitement, enthusiasm and attractiveness are the most important things to attend; In order to target the feelings of the visitor to make him click on the link without hesitation. The same thing about the description, where you will be able to express what was mentioned before in a way that makes the visitor understand everything your article is about.

 Metadata Length

It is worth noting that the description of the article, according to the opinions of SEO specialists, should range between 135 to 160 characters as a maximum. This is so that the full description appears in the link preview on search engines. Thus sending a message to the visitor that the article contains the information he is looking for. Care must be taken not to exceed the allowable limit in the number of description characters, in order to ensure that the visitor is not alienated when he reads the description of your article.

 The length of the main phrase

Key phrase length

The keyword phrase in the search engine arena is of two types:

short words

They are words that consist of one or two words, such as (SEO terms) or (Learn English) and others. These words are known to be highly competitive among the contents, so as long as the search for them is enormous, the competition will also be enormous. It is not a recommended option for beginners as it is very competitive and will only cause you to rank among the latest results.

long words

They are words that consist of four to five words, such as (the terms of the Yoast SEO supplement) or (the results of search engines are issued), and these words have little competition, but recently they witnessed a significant increase in the percentage of visitors' search for them. This gives beginners in blogging an opportunity to develop their content to top search engine results.

In general, it is preferable to have a keyword phrase of three, four, or even five words to attract more traffic in light of the lack of competition for it

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