What is the relationship between artificial intelligence and education?

? What is the relationship between artificial intelligence and education

We have always heard about the radical impact that occurred on the world after the emergence of the Internet and the branching of its uses, as the Internet played an effective role in establishing a decent and comfortable life for humans on planet Earth, so that the goal of creating this tremendous innovation was to reduce time and effort when performing various tasks, and perhaps it may have Initiate a question! Is there a great example of the most important services provided by the Internet to us?!!

The answer is; Yes there is a great example of that! Namely, ( Artificial Intelligence ), this tremendous invention did not leave any room in life without entering it! So that he provided various types of distinctive and unique services, to make that field closer to ease and ease, and the field of education had more luck than the services of artificial intelligence technology, and this matter was discovered when the world faced (the Corona pandemic), which forced students to sit in their homes and receive Lessons from it!

The vexing question here is; What great role will artificial intelligence play in education? Will there come a day when students will dispense to go to schools and prefer to take lessons from their homes?? If you want to know this, continue reading this article entitled (Artificial Intelligence and Education).

Artificial intelligence and education

Artificial intelligence has proven its great worth, and its ability to accomplish various tasks with very high quality, which led to attracting thinkers to it, and giving it great priority and great interest in it. , given that the human workforce was not able to carry out various tasks for fear of being exposed to the dangerous disease of Corona, so we note that the applications of artificial intelligence entered the field of online commerce, the field of online shopping, as well as the field of online education, where we note that artificial intelligence has given students The opportunity to complete their secondary or university studies or any other stage smoothly without any negative symptoms, and based on these distinguished services, scientists had different predictions about the future of education with artificial intelligence, which we will talk about in the next paragraph;

Predictions about the future of education based on artificial intelligence

Technology and artificial intelligence

The field of education has witnessed a lot of positive changes due to the applications of artificial intelligence, which included changing the shape of textbooks, lowering tuition costs, attending online lessons and conferences, and others. We note this matter has greatly helped to improve the task of learning and teaching for both teachers and students, and many The number of developments that have taken place in the field of education through artificial intelligence, prompting teachers to think about their classrooms, and whether there will be classrooms in the future or not?!

The most prominent advantages of artificial intelligence in the field of education

It is possible (the transition of traditional classrooms to digital classrooms) so that the student receives his lessons via the Internet based on artificial intelligence technology, and it is possible that there are programmed robots that teach students instead of human teachers, and it is worth mentioning!! Artificial intelligence applications such as (robots) are known for their performance (flexibility and persistence), which has made both students and teachers happy, and not only that! In fact, there are many unique features provided by the applications of artificial intelligence to the field of education, which are;

Providing assistance to teachers in editing their office work, which is often related to student papers and administrative papers, which takes a lot of time and effort, and through the use of an artificial intelligence program, teachers can complete their work electronically and with the help of artificial intelligence in an easy and smooth manner.

An option to provide (a customized service based on need), which is provided through artificial intelligence programs, for the purpose of creating a distinctive learning environment that attracts the student’s attention and encourages him to listen to the lessons in a very excellent manner, so that we note that the robot responsible for performing the tasks of the teacher is (a very smart robot) and is capable of To provide the best educational methods to make the student understand the lesson and be able to memorize it, and not only that! Rather, these robots enhance the teacher's skills and push him to develop his skills.

With the steady development of the explosion of information and awareness in the modern era, the application of artificial intelligence to update curricula automatically and quickly has reached the level where the validity of knowledge and science for future learning is limited to five years, and if science courses and book printing are professionally developed, the process is long In the same five years, AI technology can derive the required knowledge and skills at a given time, so that the syllabus can be automatically updated and presented to students in a way that suits their needs and abilities.

The ability to reach all students with different health conditions, so that the artificial intelligence tools have the possibility to join international classes for foreign students or students with hearing or visual disabilities, and we note that among the artificial intelligence tools (translators of presentations) that translate what The teacher says it to his international students.

These were the most prominent advantages of artificial intelligence in the field of education, but there are many special advantages provided by artificial intelligence tools in the field of education, to facilitate the acquisition of science and knowledge for the student, and to create a comfortable environment for the teacher.

Thus, we have come to the end of our article, which was about (Artificial Intelligence and Education). We hope that you have benefited from this article.


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