What are the ten keys to success presented by d. Ibrahim al-Fiqi? We guarantee success

 What are the ten keys to success presented by d. Ibrahim al-Fiqi? We guarantee success

 10 keys to ensure you success presented by d. Ibrahim El-Feki, human development expert

About the topic

There is no feeling comparable to the joy of achieving success. Success enhances self-confidence, supports personal capabilities, brings help and peace, and ensures psychological and material stability. Experts have not reached a specific definition of success. Success differs from one person to another according to his culture, gender, environment, and needs. Some see that success consists in the ability to all wealth. There are those who see the ability to achieve academic excellence, and some see it as a feeling of happiness, and there are those who believe that success consists in the ability to achieve stability in life. By short, success can be defined as the ability to achieve desires, dreams, and goals within a specified period of time  
d. Ibrahim El-Feki  , an expert in human development and NLP, presented us  with the ten keys to success  that guarantee us success. We will learn about them in the following.


Motivations play a major role in motivating us towards achieving success   . Ibrahim Al-Feki   Motives are divided into 3 types: living motivation, external and internal motivation

Living Motivation:  This motivation appears when your life is exposed to a threat or danger, which motivates you to work hard in order to get out of the predicament.
External Motivation:  This motivation appears when you face an external problem that pushes you to think in order to reach a solution to it.

Internal Motivation:   It is a self-motivation represented in the presence of a desire to achieve something, and therefore it is one of the most important motives.


Motivations provide a person with energy to move forward towards success   . Ibrahim El-Feki  4 types of energy and 4 levels of it, and they are as follows

: spiritual energy / physical energy / emotional energy / mental energy 

Spiritual energy:  It is strengthened by strengthening the daily bonds with God Almighty and by practicing worship rituals.

Physical energy : strengthened through exercise and a healthy lifestyle 

Emotional energy:  It is strengthened by practicing meditation and yoga exercises, as it increases emotional energy. 

Mental energy:  It is strengthened by setting goals and determination to achieve them, and they are the main source of mental energy. 

As for energy levels, they are:
high energy
low energy
high negative
low negative 


Dr. confirms  . Ibrahim El-Feki  If you use 3% of your mental skills, you will become the strongest 5% on the face of the earth, so how can you develop these skills through 7 ways:

By reading, it is necessary to keep reading books from various scientific fields such as literature, art, history, philosophy and sciences. It is preferable to read for a full hour every day.

Listening to audio tapes One of the things that helps to develop skills is listening to audio tapes that deal with some scientific fields. You can listen to them while driving a car or while arranging the house or in any place you prefer.

Watching educational tapes You should devote some time to watching educational tapes that talk about various scientific fields, as they deepen culture and increase knowledge, making it easier to achieve success.

Participation in human development courses Human development courses help increase knowledge and life skills, and this course has played a key role in achieving success for many people.

 Excellence in the field of work Skills can be developed by achieving excellence in the field of work, meaning that the person brings out all his abilities to complete his work in the best way. This distinction will increase the experiences and skills that make success.

Not to waste time in negative thinking Negative thinking kills dreams and frustrates hopes and increases pessimism and sadness in the soul and negative thinking hinders achieving success, so we must not be concerned with it.

Knowledge is power. There is a fact that must be believed in, which is that knowledge is power. Without it, a person will not be able to move forward in his life. Whoever wants to achieve success must be armed with knowledge, as it increases him strength and determination to follow his ambitions.


Whoever wants to achieve success must imagine creatively, that is, imagine the situation and the results of the action

George Bordashno says some people see things as they are and ask why?
           (  As for me, I imagine things that didn't happen and say why)

 George Bordashno said, “Imagination is the beginning of innovation.

Albert Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge.

Francis Bacon said, “Imagination shapes the world.”

 If a person must free his imagination from restrictions and obstacles, and navigate his thinking as far as possible, then imagination is the beginning of the start towards a world full of success and achievement. 


Jim Rohn said in his book 7 Ways to Help and Prosper  
(Knowledge without action can lead to failure and frustration). 

Benjamin Franklin said, “He who lives on hope dies fasting.” 
There are two main reasons that hinder a person from putting his skills and knowledge into the subject of understanding

It is fear, it paralyzes abilities and weakens enthusiasm, preventing a person from going on the path to success.

Postponing the duties until the next day and the following week accumulates duties to a degree that is difficult to implement, which exposes him to failure despite his skill and extensive knowledge. If the act is the decisive difference between success and failure, and that he possesses skill and knowledge only is not enough. .


see  d. Ibrahim El-Feki  that anticipating the good always helps to achieve success, as negative thoughts and feelings do not benefit anything except that they waste time without any benefit. It will inevitably lead to a negative trend and vice versa, so always expect good from God, from yourself and your family, and from all life.


Zig Zigler said, "People sometimes fail not because of ability, but because of a lack of commitment."

Robert Schuller says, “Do your best and start small, but think big. You have to overcome the consequences, invest everything you have, and always be prepared to act and anticipate obstacles, but do not allow them to stop you from progressing.”

If commitment is the force that motivates a person to continue in a quest that transcends and fights all the difficult circumstances he is going through, then commitment is the driving force that leads towards great achievements 


Some fail to achieve their endeavours, despite the presence of enthusiasm and determination within them, and despite their possession of a very large method and creative skills. This is due to the lack of flexibility and good willingness to change their plans in line with the challenges and difficulties they face. So flexibility is necessary in the thrill of achieving success. The person is aware of the need to adapt to the renewable changes to correct your path and to modify his path throughout the journey of striving for success.


Thomas Edison says, “Many of the failures in life were for people who did not realize how close they are to success when they gave up. The road to success is long and difficult, but it is not impossible. With some will and patience, all difficulties can be overcome and access to success, so you have a model of patience and there is no better than the prophets in that.” I will make them an example to you. 


Discipline can relate to negative matters such as smoking and wasting time or to positive matters such as performing tasks on time. So we have a choice. Either with discipline in matters that help us achieve success or things that hinder the path of success. Discipline can be achieved by setting a specific line arranging tasks according to priority Repeating some motivational phrases
(I am successful, I apply, I am strong), then imagine that you were able to achieve what you want, and then start performing the required tasks as best as possible, then you will achieve discipline and reach success. 

Related: Learn how to succeed in your life and what are the steps to success


In addition to the previous keys, there are a set of steps that make it easier for anyone to achieve success, no matter how difficult and impossible. To benefit from your mistakes, and let these mistakes be a way to learn from them in the future. Look for opportunities, and if they are not available to you with determination and strong will, you will definitely be able to achieve success. Always accompany successful people. They will help and help and here ends our article if and I hope that this article will benefit everyone and change life. People are the best. If there is a question or inquiry, please leave a comment below the blog, and you will be answered as soon as possible.      


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