Tooth decay causes, symptoms and treatment methods

   Tooth decay is holes and pits of different sizes that affect certain parts of the teeth as a result of rotting, and the decay gradually worsens.

Tooth decay is one of the most common health problems that people suffer from around the world, and its prevalence increases among young people and adolescents. It is necessary to treat caries quickly so that it does not spread to the rest of the tooth and cause toothache, inflammation, and sometimes causes tooth erosion and fall. 

Visiting the dental clinic to follow up on the condition of the teeth, taking care of the teeth and brushing them every day, and using mouthwash and flossing to clean them, these are the best solutions to avoid caries and tooth decay.

Tooth decay stages

Different types of bacteria spread inside the oral cavity like other parts of the body, and some foods and drinks known as (fermented carbohydrates) such as sweets, starches and acidic foods cause the multiplication and growth of these bacteria. 
These fermented carbohydrates must be disposed of quickly so that they do not turn into acids by germs within a short period. All of the saliva, food residues, acids and germs turn into a layer of plaque and tartar surrounding the outer surface of the teeth. 

You can know the presence of this layer in your teeth or not by placing the tongue on the teeth after cleaning them. If you feel the presence of a rough texture layer on the surface of the teeth and above the gums, this is evidence of the presence of a layer of plaque and tartar. 

The acids that are present in the plaque layer attack the necessary minerals in the enamel layer, which is the layer that forms the outer surface of the teeth. Damage to the enamel layer causes pitting and holes in the parts of the teeth as well as their decay. 

Tooth decay symptoms

Symptoms of dental caries differ from one patient to another depending on the extent of the caries spread and the location of the caries, and often no symptoms or signs appear in the early stages of caries, and they begin to appear over time and the size of the caries, and the symptoms are as follows: 

1. Feeling sore while eating hot and cold foods and sugary drinks. 

2. The presence of pus surrounding the tooth. 

3. Inability to chew food without feeling pain. 

4. The spread of mortise and holes in different parts of the teeth. 

5. Tooth sensitivity. 

6. teeth pain. 

Causes of tooth decay

We review the most prominent risk factors and causes of dental caries in the following: 

1. Causes of tooth decay 

The causes and risk factors that exacerbate the situation of dental caries are: 

Neglecting to brush the teeth daily 

Eating sweets and eating drinks that contain a large amount of sugar. 

2. Tooth decay risk factors

Tooth decay is considered one of the most common diseases in various parts of the world, due to the presence of various pathogenic factors that lead to tooth decay and putrefaction. 

which is next

Not brushing and flossing your teeth daily.

Tooth decay complications

Despite the danger and spread of dental caries in various parts of the world, you find some people, due to the lack of awareness, ignore their tooth decay as if it were not. Also, some parents ignore the tooth decay of their young children and do not present them to dentists, and this causes an exacerbation of caries and leads to serious and very difficult symptoms.

The complications of dental caries are the following: 

1. Acute inflammation. 

2. The spread of painful abscesses inside the teeth. 

3. Teeth fall out.

4. Difficulty chewing food. 

5. Severe pain.

6. Fragility of the teeth .

Failure to treat the teeth causes severe and severe dental pain, prevents the practice of the usual daily tasks, makes life difficult and makes life like a dose of pain, and may cause weight loss because it prevents you from eating normally. 

The situation of dental caries may develop and cause them to fall out and thus reduce the attractiveness of the person, reduce his self-confidence and fade his smile, and sometimes the matter develops catastrophically and causes decay to the growth of an abscess that is due to the contamination of the mouth and teeth, the poor condition of the patient and his need for immediate medical intervention.

Dental caries diagnosis 

A professional dentist is able to diagnose tooth decay with ease, at first he will ask you if you suffer from any pain or sensitivity in your teeth, then he will examine your teeth and mouth, and then with the help of a medical instrument he will prick your teeth to see if there are soft spots in them or not. 

For increased safety and better effectiveness, you can resort to an examination using x-rays to find out the extent of your tooth decay in detail and with greater accuracy. 

Excessive drinking of mineral water causes erosion and tooth decay because it does not contain fluoride that is useful for dental health and the first protector of the outer enamel layer. 

The elderly and the elderly are more susceptible to tooth decay.

Receding gums are one of the causes of tooth decay.

The lack of saliva causes dryness of the mouth and thus rotting and decay of the teeth because saliva does not play its role in analyzing food residues and plaque in the teeth and depriving the teeth of important and necessary minerals. 

Overeating and loss of appetite both cause tooth decay and erosion of the outer surface. 

Stomach ulcers contribute to an increased risk of tooth decay.

Friction, touching, exchanging kisses, using the same spoons and eating utensils, and exchanging personal items, all of these things transmit bacteria and germs and cause tooth decay.

Cancer drugs can lead to tooth decay
Tooth decay treatment

The treatment of dental caries is related to the size of the caries inside the tooth, its degree of severity, and the patient’s health condition. The most popular methods used in the treatment of caries are: 

1. Dental nerve treatment.

2. Use of fluoride. 

3. Compound fillers. 

4. Covering the tooth with a layer that protects and restores damaged teeth. 

5. Tooth extraction. 

Ways to prevent tooth decay

Maintaining oral and dental hygiene on a regular basis helps prevent tooth decay. If you follow the following tips and instructions, you can prevent tooth decay or rot, which includes the following:

1- Taking care of the health and hygiene of the teeth and the mouth contributes to the protection from tooth decay. The methods of caring for the teeth that help you avoid tooth decay or rotting of your teeth are as follows: 

2- Brushing your teeth after meals. 

3- Washing the mouth.

4- Follow up with a dental clinic first.

5- Drink enough water and make sure that the water is clean and free of pathogens. 

6- Avoid eating sweets, acidic foods and drinks that contain sugars.

7- Eating natural foods that enhance the vitality of the teeth.

8- Fluoride treatment.

9- Use anti-bacterial medicines when needed and under the supervision of a dentist. 

alternative treatment 

Herbs relieve the pain caused by tooth decay, despite being an ineffective treatment in eliminating cavities 

Among these herbs: 

* Carnation. 

* the Garlic. 

* Chamomile. 

* Mint. 

* Yarrow herb.

* Turmeric. 

* Thyme. 

* Ginger.


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