The importance of SEO services for websites

 SEO services is an English abbreviated word that is intended to create sites for search engines (search

 engine optimization), which is the process of developing sites to suit the requirements of various search engines on the Internet such as Google.

Enjoy together in this article the most important services provided by the field of SEO to the owner of the content, YouTube channels, and many more.

With the aim of appearing in the initial search results for terms and keywords used by potential clients companies, businesses and projects.  

 Search engines are the main source of about 70% of website visits, as website surfers resort to various search engines.

 In order to search for a specific product or service or to get answers to specific questions, with thousands of topics published to answer visitors' inquiries.

 So, search engine optimization (SEO) means that it is the process of optimizing and preparing your site for search engines, so that those engines learn about your content and find a title for your website.

The importance of SEO services for websites

SEO services SEO is an essential part of electronic or digital marketing as it is called by many people. It is the organic or natural part of the search. It is also known as the unpaid part, meaning that it is (outside the scope of paid advertising and advertisements ).

The site owner can get visits to his own site through various social media and social media platforms, as well as through advertising as well.

However, SEO services for search engines remain the backbone of any website’s popularity, and appear in the initial results of various search engines, due to two reasons as follows:

   These visits are for those who are interested in what the content of the site offers, especially if he writes the opening words himself in the search engines.

 A lot of visits come to websites through search engines, with a percentage of up to 45%.

SEO Ratings

There are three terms related to the organization of search engine optimization (SEO):

First the white hat:

It is used for every site owner who desires permanent and continuous success, even if it takes a while to achieve this success somewhat, but it is the approach that follows all the detailed SEO guidelines, and among these methods is writing content with keywords that answer user queries.

Second, the black hat:

This is one of the worst practices that site owners may use and search engines never tolerate, and this may result in losing the site’s ranking, or even banning it permanently, and the reason for some resorting to this type of site is its quick results in obtaining the ranking.

Mistakes you make when converting to your site

But this success does not last long because this site is quickly subjected to decline, due to its crooked and inappropriate practice with the terms and rules of search engine optimization, and among those methods is writing invisible content with a lot of existing and unjustified keywords intended to obtain ranking no more.

Third, the gray hat:

It includes the middle practices, which are between the white hat and the black hat, and sometimes they succeed in achieving quick results, but the perpetrator or user must bear the risk of penalties as well.

White hat - black hat - gray hat in the SEO rankings

How SEO works

SEO and search engine optimization services are divided into two parts:

On the page (on page - on page).

And off the page (off page).

First: On the page (on page):

On the page - on page - on page

This section means all the operations and modifications that a person makes on the site itself in order to be configured for search engines, such as:

    Add keywords.


    How to choose the page link and write down the words on it.

    H1 title element . It is preferable that the title be the same as the keyword and range from 20 to 70 characters .


    The tags for the pictures on the site mean the It should be detailed and describe the topic.

    Most importantly, the content of the page must be unique, that is, it is not transferred or copied from other sites.

 There are also many other processes that can increase the site's ranking in search engines.

Second: off page:

off page - off pafe - off page

These are all the operations that a person does outside the site in order to gain the trust of search engines, such as external links, but they must be in a sound and correct way in order for the site owner to avoid blocking his site by Google.

Most of the methods that are used in Off Big Seo are illegal from the point of view of search engines, because the basis of Off Big Seo is getting links to your site on other sites.

As the SEO services for search engines oblige the site owner to make external links to his site himself, and to obtain external links through Internet surfers.

If the site is working to provide useful content, users will certainly share it automatically, and that is from Google's point of view, but what happens in reality is completely different.

However, if the site owner who wants to optimize his site for search engines relies on users to get external links, he will not be able to appear in the initial search results, because the majority of the sites that are ranked first do not comply with Google's guidelines in this part.

Benefits of SEO services

If done correctly, the SEO process will benefit from it in several ways that can be summarized in the following:

 Allow the website to appear in search results for the most profitable search queries.

 It improves the site's ranking in search engines.

 It improves website impressions.

Types of SEO factors

Types of search engine optimization

The factors that affect the SEO process are divided into two types:

First, in-site SEO factors:

They are the internal factors of the site, including the main headings divided from H1 to H6 , sub-headings, content quality, HTML codes, and internal links that link various pages to each other, in addition to search keywords .

Second, off-site search engine optimization factors

It is a set of elements that affect the site's ranking in search engines, and it is not related to HTML codes and includes the following:

 Social networks: The importance of web pages is measured by the degree of users' interaction with the site on social networks, that is, the number of people who republish and comment on it, and the higher the number, the more effective and positive signals it sends to search mechanisms.

External links: which refer to the site where it must be taken into account that the links must be from trusted sources, in order to have a good effect and also help in effective classification, but if they are from banned or bad sites from various search engines, their impact may be unsatisfactory At all, very expensive.

One of the most important points to consider when optimizing your site for search engines are:

The quality of the content posted on your site.

The speed of time the user needs to enter your site, which should not exceed two seconds.

The site must be eligible for mobile devices.

The degree of security of the site.

Search engine optimization tips

Websites will not be guaranteed to appear in the first search results despite their best SEO efforts.

Unless i pays attention to all the details and focuses on all the aspects affecting the ranking of the pages of the site in the search results targeted by potential customers.

Below we will mention several effective tips for search engine optimization, the most important of which are the following:

First start by searching for keywords:

Keyword search

These are the first steps of a successful SEO strategy and include the words or phrases that the website owner wants their website or part of the content to show.

That's when people search for it through Google's Internet browser, those words or phrases will be their keywords.

Second, use a lot of pictures:

Visual forms and different images are a good and very effective way to break the boredom of content as well as divide it into paragraphs that are easy to read and understand.

In order to motivate visitors to read as much of the topic as possible without any boredom or panic, as any means that will increase the visitor's stay on the site will enhance the efforts of its owner in the SEO process.

Third, use short titles:

Use lowercase and short caps

Short URLs are much better than others for users in the first place, and search engines in the second place, they directly or indirectly improve the site's appearance in the first results of search engines.

This is indicated by one of the companies specialized in the field of search engine optimization, which is that short titles prove more effective than long titles.

Fourth, write a detailed description of the videos on YouTube

SEO Success Factors (Search Engine Optimization)

Detailed description and prices of marketing companies in Egypt

Writing a comprehensive and detailed description below each video of the site owner on YouTube greatly helps search engines understand the content of the video and about what this video refers to, so specialists always advise writing a description of at least 300 characters for the video on YouTube .


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