How do I get healthy gums?

? How do I get healthy gums

One in two people over the age of 30 suffers from gum disease. About a third of these individuals have moderate periodontitis. 8.5% suffer from severe gum disease.

There is a link between gum health and body health

Unfortunately, these are the advanced stages that carry the greatest risk of tooth loss. In fact, even gingivitis in its early stages can actually lead to mouth pain and discomfort. This alone should make you already realize how important healthy gums are. However, gums that are in good condition can prevent premature loss of tooth whiteness. It can also prevent jawbone loss, and possibly high blood pressure as well.
Read on to learn how keeping your gums healthy can also keep your body healthy.

Periodontitis Healthy gums: The key to maintaining the whiteness of your teeth Your

gums are the soft tissues that coat your teeth, the roots of your teeth, and the jawbones. It acts as a sealing layer and a protective layer against pathogenic bacteria. More than that, it is the gums (the supporting structure of the teeth) that keep the teeth in place.
Without gums, bacteria and food debris will easily find their way into the deeper parts of your teeth.
 Keep in mind that the oral cavity is home to up to 700 types of bacteria, many of which are of the "harmful" type.
Once the bacteria gets there, it will cause the entire tooth structure to collapse. As a result, the teeth become unstable and loose, and eventually separate from the jawbone.
The same process occurs with other gum diseases. After all, the most common cause behind this condition is a bacterial infection. In most cases, the reason is due to poor oral hygiene, as it leads to plaque formation.

Dental plaque and gum disease

Dental plaque is the transparent, sticky layer that forms on the surface of the teeth. It may be transparent at first, but then becomes visible and can be detected within 12 hours. Also, the longer the dental plaque (plaque) stays on the teeth, the greater the chance of it hardening into the tartar.
Tartar not only stains the teeth, but also irritates the gums. This irritation causes inflammation, which in turn often leads to bleeding gums. Note that gingivitis may only take five days to cause gingivitis.
When your gums swell, you will likely feel pain and find it difficult to chew. You may also notice a bad taste in your mouth that does not go away easily. Bad breath may also develop due to gum disease.

What the health of your gums can say about your overall health

Studies show that periodontitis increases the risk of developing high blood pressure by 22% to 49%. Untreated gum disease can also trigger the immune system to become "overactive." This may then cause your body to always go into "defense" mode over the smallest of things.
Although this sounds good, it is not, and it may put you at risk of allergic reactions that you are not supposed to have. Your immune system may think that every little thing that enters your body is causing an allergy. Even worse, you may develop autoimmune disorders, in which your body attacks even healthy cells.
Untreated gum disease can also pave the way for bacteria to enter the bloodstream. Over time, the researchers say, this can damage blood vessels in the heart and brain.

Self-Care Tips for Maintaining Healthy Gums

As you can see, there is no denying the link between healthy gums and overall health. That's why you should keep your gums in the best condition.
So don't forget to brush and floss your teeth twice daily. Also, be sure to use a mouthwash approved by your country's Ministry of Health.
Aside from the basics we mentioned, here are some other home and self-care tips to improve gum health:

Reduce your intake of sweets.

People drink up to 50 gallons of sugar-filled beverages each year. That is why such drinks have become the main source of added sugars in the diet. What's interesting is that the bacteria in your mouth love sugar a great deal. When these microorganisms "feed" on sugars, they release acidic byproducts. These are acids that attack tooth enamel and delicate gum tissue. It can even continue to attack them for up to 20 minutes after they have finished eating or drinking!
Excessive sugar intake also has a strong link with chronic diseases. Obesity, heart disease and diabetes, these are just some of what you can get if you eat too much sugar. Researchers even say that sugary drinks can increase cancer risks.
As such, it's best to avoid sugary foods and drinks like cake, candy, soda, and energy drinks as much as you can. You don't have to completely eliminate them from your diet, but you should reduce your intake.

Get more vitamins in your diet.

Vitamin C plays a large role in building and repairing connective tissues in the body. Helps prevent and reduce tissue inflammation, including gum infections. Moreover, it facilitates and speeds up the regeneration of body cells and recovery.
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, peppers, and spinach are great sources of vitamin C. Citrus fruits, as they are packed with this vitamin, can be very acidic. You can still eat them, but as with sweets, only do so from time to time.
As for vitamin D, it helps increase bone mineral density. It also improves the body's ability to absorb calcium. In addition to sun exposure, you can also get it from fatty fish, such as tuna, mackerel and portobello mushrooms.
Speaking of which, don't forget calcium, which is also found in soy milk and tofu, apart from milk and cheese. Greens like cabbage and kale are also rich in this mineral. Beans, nuts, legumes, and soft-bone fish, such as salmon and sardines, are also great sources.

, contact your dentist periodically.

Or at least visit your dentist at least twice a year for a thorough check-up.
Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash helps prevent gum disease. However, they do not protect you 100% from them as some plaque can be so sticky that it can remain on your teeth even after brushing.
Studies have found that two minutes of brushing can get rid of 26% more plaque than 45 seconds of brushing.
Now, while these practices remove more bacteria, they are not foolproof. This means that some plaque may remain hidden in the fissures of your teeth and gums. Unless your dentist does a deep cleaning of your teeth and gums, this plaque can turn into tartar.
Furthermore, if your dentist can see you every six months, he or she can spot signs of gingivitis right away. Then he can plan the necessary gum treatment to prevent it from getting worse.

Don't let gum disease destroy the whites of your teeth

One of the last things you want to happen is to become one of the millions of adults who have lost their permanent teeth. It is also worth noting that there are millions of adults who are completely toothless. And in many of these individuals, untreated tooth decay and gum disease are to blame. Keeping your pearly white teeth for as long as possible is just one of the many benefits of having healthy gums.

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