Apricot seeds benefits

 Many people like apricot fruit, it can be eaten fresh, dried, or in the form of jam. In the middle of the apricot fruit are the apricot seeds, inside a hard outer shell. Apricot seeds also have great benefits, and they are divided into two parts: bitter apricot seeds and sweet apricot seeds, and the two sections have health uses. Apricot seeds include a group of different nutritional compounds; Such as dietary fiber, proteins, and high amounts of fat, from which apricot oil is extracted, which is used in cooking and used in the manufacture of cosmetics. Cancer doctors recommend eating apricot seeds, but without excessive, especially bitter seeds, because they contain high levels of harmful substances such as deadly cyanide, which turns in the body into a poison that may lead to death, so it is recommended to consult a specialist.

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The benefits and harms of apricot seeds

Apricot seeds benefits
Apricot seeds are packed with nutritional compounds that support your health in various ways. Here are some of the benefits:
Apricot seeds help fight cancer, and they can also eliminate cancerous cells.
Apricot seeds help boost your ability to fight infections, such as colds and flu.
Apricot seeds contain important minerals like iron, potassium and phosphorous which are essential for overall health.
Helps promote digestive health.
Contributes to promoting growth and cell renewal.
Helps control cholesterol levels.
Helps increase energy levels.
It protects the skin.
Helps strengthen the heart.
It boosts the immune system.
It helps relieve respiratory distress.
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Benefits of Apricot Seeds for Sex Apricot
seeds are a valuable source of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber. They can improve sexual health for both men and women.
Apricot seeds contain substances that help in the production of hormones in men.
Apricot seeds reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men, which affects their sexual prowess.
Apricot seeds increase sexual desire in men.
Apricot seeds eliminate impotence and enhance male sexual power.
Apricot seeds increase sperm count in men
Apricot seeds stimulate blood circulation and help increase blood flow to the reproductive organs in men.

Benefits of apricot

seeds for pregnant women Apricot seeds are useful for pregnant women in several ways. Here are some of the benefits it offers:
Apricot seeds help prevent diabetes by maintaining a normal blood sugar level.
Apricot seeds are a high source of minerals that help support the growth of the fetus.
Apricot seeds can help prevent anemia by making sure that a woman has enough red blood cells.
Apricot seeds are also effective in treating constipation and hemorrhoids.

?What are the components of apricot seeds

A study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology found that apricots consist primarily of oil, which accounts for 45-50%. These oils include healthy fats such as omega-6, omega-3, and alpha-linolenic acid. It also contains the equivalent of 25% protein, 8% carbohydrates and 5% fiber. While another study showed that these percentages differ according to the type of apricot as follows:
Oils: percentages between 27.7% - 66.7%
Protein: The ratio ranges between 14.1%-45.3%, which is equivalent to 32-43% of the essential amino acids.
Carbohydrates: the ratio ranges between 18.1% - 27.9%
Fiber: the ratio is about 5%.

?What are the uses of apricot seeds

Apricot uses fall into three categories; Medical, cosmetic or nutritional. Its cosmetic and nutritional uses are primarily based on apricot oil rather than the seeds themselves. These uses also vary from person to person. For example, the Egyptians mixed coriander and salt with grated apricots; Which makes a traditional snack called doka. Indians use apricot oil for massage; They believe it helps relieve pain. Some people who live in the northwest Himalayas also believe that wild apricots and their seeds can be used as biofuels, in addition to their nutritional, medicinal and cosmetic uses.

?What is the relationship between apricots and cancer treatment

Many people search for apricot seeds for cancer treatment. So far, no scientific studies have proven that apricots are good for cancer. Instead, it is limited to some allegations and stories of personal experiences. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not approve the use of apricot seeds or any medications such as Laetrile to treat cancer.
In 1845, two Russian chemists first used apricot seeds to treat cancer. Subsequently, physician Ernest Krebs claimed that the oil extracted from apricots was effective in treating cancer patients in the United States in the 1920s. But the toxicity of the treatment was later proven.
The idea of ​​using apricot seeds to treat cancer is linked to the presence of a compound called amygdalin. In the body, this compound turns into cyanide, which is believed to destroy cancer cells in the body. In fact, cyanide is toxic to all cells of the body. Because it prevents cells from using oxygen. Significantly affects the heart and brain due to the high demand for oxygen.

Vitamin deficiencies and types

Based on this belief, Laetrile was developed by Ernst Krebs, Jr. in the 1950s. It is a compound attended by amygdalin and moisturizing. It's called Vitamin B17. Its use is believed to increase the body's energy levels, improve its health, remove toxins and extend its lifespan.
It can be used by placing it in the anus as a liquid or using it as an injection, cream or pill.
In addition to amygdalin, the mineral calcium (also known as vitamin B15) is believed to treat cancer. But finding this mineral causes more cancer than cures it. Therefore, it is considered unsuitable for medical or nutritional use by the Food and Drug Administration.
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?What is apricot seed oil

This apricot oil is extracted from apricots. Rich in antioxidants, vitamin E and vitamin K. It is used in cooking or cosmetics such as skin moisturizers, scrubs, masks or hair. He mentioned the following health benefits:
Benefits of Almond Oil for Skin in Moisturizing: This is due to its moisturizing properties that also help exfoliate and remove dead cells. As such, it is thought that it may help treat inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
Fights the signs of aging: Because it contains antioxidants, it reduces cellular damage caused by oxidative stress, helping to tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of brown spots on the skin.
reduces acne inflammation and sebum accumulation; It is a waxy fatty substance produced by fat cells.
Benefits of apricot oil for hair: Apricot oil can be used as a hair and scalp mask, as it helps to grow and strengthen hair follicles. It can also help treat scalp infections and dandruff problems. It is usually used for 15-20 minutes and then washed off with lukewarm water.

Apricot seeds side effects

The FDA's Toxic Plant Database states that the conversion of amygdalin in apricots to cyanide is what makes apricot seed damage claims true.
A dose of 0.5-3.5 mg of cyanide per kilogram of body weight is considered lethal, equivalent to about 50-60 apricots. Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority recommends an intake of less than or equal to 20 micrograms of cyanide per kilogram, which is equivalent to 3 small berries or 70 mg of apricots for adults. For children, the recommended amount is 60.mg of apricots, which is equivalent to half of a small apricot.
It should be noted that amygdalin is also found in the seeds of apples, cherries, peaches, peaches, alfalfa, sorghum and lima.
Symptoms of cyanide ingestion are as follows, depending on the dose:
Nausea and vomiting.
Abdominal cramps.
Circulatory disease and possible cardiac arrest.
inability to breathe
the death.

While the symptoms of using Laetrile are similar to those of cyanide poisoning, taking the drug orally rather than injections, include the following:

Nausea and vomiting.
Reduction of Blood pressure.
liver damage;
cyanosis of the skin;
Ptosis of the upper eyelid.
Difficulty walking due to nerve damage.
the death.
It should be noted that these symptoms may worsen and intensify if you take:
Take high doses of vitamin C.
Eat raw almonds or ground fruit seeds.
Eat vegetables that contain beta glycosides, such as peaches, carrots, brussels sprouts, and celery.


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