prickly pear benefits

prickly pear benefits 

The prickly pear, or what some call (perchium) or (abortion), are all names for the wonderful fruits that we eat in the summer, those fruits that grow on the edges of cactus plants.

prickly pear benefits

The color of the prickly pear varies according to its type and degree of maturity. There are yellow prickly pears, reddish-pink fruits, and green figs..etc.

The fruit of the prickly pear is characterized by its spread all over the world, as it is found in Africa, Europe, and Australia, and is frequently found in North and South America, where it is the main home of the cactus.

The fruit of the parsnip includes an amazing group of nutrients, it contains the most important minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and copper, and also contains vitamins in large quantities such as vitamin B and vitamin C, and also contains fiber in appropriate quantities.

These beneficial nutrients are what earned the fruit of the prickly pear its high health benefits and made it a wall against many diseases. Our site offers you the most prominent benefits of the prickly pear in the following:

1- The benefits of prickly pear as an immune booster

Eating parsley plays a major role in ridding the body of toxins, and as an antioxidant, due to its high content of vitamin E and vitamin C, especially vitamin C, which is characterized by its great antioxidant effect.

The fruit of one abortion includes 1/3 of the body's daily needs of vitamin C, which is characterized by its role in strengthening the performance of the immune system, increasing the production of white blood cells, stimulating the growth of bone tissue and the formation of muscles.

2- The benefits of prickly pear in facilitating the digestive process

Like other fruits and vegetables, the prickly pear fruit contains a high percentage of dietary fiber that helps improve the performance of the digestive system by facilitating the passage of eaten food through the digestive organs. It prevents constipation and eliminates flatulence and stomach ulcers.

3- The benefits of prickly pear as a tonic for bones and teeth

The prickly pear is characterized by its resistance to bone problems, as it protects against and strengthens osteoporosis, as well as eliminates dental problems and works to strengthen them, and the reason behind this is because it contains a high amount of calcium.

4. The benefits of prickly pear in strengthening the heart muscle

Al-Barshumi protects against heart diseases, arteriosclerosis and strokes. It is a good antihypertensive because of its richness in potassium, a stimulant for blood circulation, and works to reduce pressure on the heart and blood vessels.

Abortion reduces harmful cholesterol in the body because it contains large amounts of dietary fiber.

5. The benefits of prickly pear in protection against cancer

The parsley, like the rest of the prickly pear fruits, contains an important group of compounds that have proven highly effective in preventing cancer, such as polyphenols, betalains and flavonoids.

These important compounds eliminate free radicals that destroy cells and cause serious diseases such as Alzheimer's and aging, in addition to their role as an antioxidant.

It was recently discovered that al-Barshumi inhibits the growth of tumors. This discovery was reached by a group of American scientists who conducted their experiments on mice, and experiments are still underway so far with the aim of identifying more characteristics of abortion. 

6. The benefits of prickly pear in protecting the skin

Abortion contains antioxidants that protect the skin, strengthen eyesight, protect against aging diseases, improve brain performance and strengthen it, and treat blurry vision.

Al-Barshumi contains large amounts of vitamin E and beta-carotene, which provide many benefits for the eyes and skin, and have a role in increasing and strengthening mental activity.

7. The benefits of prickly pear for diet and fat burning

Al Barshumi helps in slimming and reducing body weight, and maintaining a slim and healthy body shape; This is due to its low calories, high fiber content, and the appropriate amount of saturated fats.

8. The benefits of prickly pear as an anti-inflammatory

Eating abortion relieves inflammation and pain because it contains useful minerals and compounds that act as antioxidants.

Since ancient times, people have used aloe vera and its fruits in medicine and relief of pain. Aloe vera was crushed and placed on the site of infections or the site of an insect bite in the body, and soon it had its effect and succeeded in relieving the pain.

9. The benefits of prickly pear in promoting liver health

The use of Al-Barshumi began in the treatment of liver diseases hundreds of years ago and until now, it eliminates the inflammation and oxidative stress that affect the liver with pathological problems, and it also eliminates the fatty liver disease.

These were the most prominent health benefits of the prickly pear, and we hope that the article will be admired by the visitors.


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