Seo - What is SEO?

seo (search engine optimization)

What is SEO and what is its role in making your site appear on the first pages of search engine results?
What is SEO and what is its role in making your site appear on the first pages in search engine results?

seo search engine optimization

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization.

 In Arabic, it means search engine optimization, in a more precise sense, it means improving your site internally and externally so that it is accessible
Appear at the top of search results pages in search engines.

Let me be your guide to learn everything you need to know about search engine optimization, to optimize your site for search engines on your own, effective and 100% successful.

Article content
Search Engine Optimization Basics

What is seo?

Is seo difficult?
Why is seo important?
How do I learn SEO? Do I need help from anyone?
White Hat Seo VS Black Hat Seo VS Gray Hat Seo
search engines
How do search engines work?
ranking factors
How do people use search engines?
Presence of search engines in the market
How are search queries classified?
SERP Updates
SEO on the page | On-page SEO
Meta Tags
On-page SEO Checklist

2.Title tags and titles

On-Page SEO: Technical Issues Checklist

Content and SEO
What content should I create?
What about duplicate content in my other articles or website sections?
Searching for keywords
Where do you find the keywords?
Keyword Metrics
Long keywords vs search volumes
How not to search for keywords
Link building
Why is link building so important?
Quality aspects of backlinks
Link Building Strategies
Black hat seo exercise techniques and penalties
best practices
User Experience & Seo
User Experience: What is it?
SEO and User Experience: Measuring and Evaluating Results
The most important questions about SEO and their answers
What is the keyword?
What are the types of seo?

What is google seo?

What are search engine optimization factors?
What are seo tools?
What are backlinks or backlinks?

What is seo in Arabic?

Why does SEO take some time before you see the benefits?
What are the best SEO practices?
What is on-page seo?
Why are keywords important?
How do I write an SEO article?
Why is site speed important?
What are the most important SEO tips?
What is youtube seo?
Does the number of visitors affect your site's ranking in Google?
common questions
Search Engine Optimization Basics
Before we delve into the technical details of how to learn SEO 2022, let's start with some of the basics in this chapter. are you ready?

Are you new to seo? Wondering how it works and what's important about it in 2022? You are in the right place.

Welcome to the North SEO guide for beginners.

What is seo?
SEO is search engine optimization is the process of optimizing web pages and their content so that they are easier for users to discover. who search for terms related to your website.

The term SEO also describes the process of making web pages easier for search engine indexing programs, known as “crawlers,” to find, inspect, and index your site.

Technically, SEO or search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the position of a page, website, video, product or service in the organic (non-paid) search results of search engines.

While the concept of SEO is relatively straightforward, many newcomers to SEO still have questions about details, such as:

How can you "optimize" your site or your company's site for search engines?
How do you know how much time to spend on SEO?

How do you distinguish “good” SEO advice from “bad” or harmful SEO tips?
Perhaps the most important aspect of search engine optimization is how you can actually take advantage of SEO to help attract more relevant traffic, leads, and sales for your business.

The closer the site is to the first result in the search results pages, the more visitors it will get, which means the number of clicks and the number of sales will increase.

The history of search engine optimization goes back to the nineties when search engines first appeared. Nowadays, it is a basic marketing strategy and an ever-growing industry.

If you want to learn SEO, you have to be ready for creative work, technical and analytical work. There are many technologies that have different goals, however, the main goal remains the same - which is to be at the top of the normal search results, and why not the first place.

Simply saying, SEO is about running the right website for the right person.

It's not just about the perfect structure or technical background of a website. Your website should be full of high-quality, well-optimized content that is relevant to the needs of your audience. And of course, it should be good enough to link from other websites.


Is seo difficult?

Search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo! Others index websites to generate an order based on various ranking algorithms. Can we define these algorithms? Yes and no.

Google uses more than 200 factors to rank and rank sites. Although we know many of them:
High quality content.
or backlinks.
Or technical things like site speed.
However, many of them are preserved broken.

Of course, you don't need to know all the factors to rank your website. To understand what SEO is, imagine a bowl of soup. There are three important aspects:

The bowl represents the technical stuff behind the website (technical and on-page SEO) – without the proper bowl, soup will spread all over the table.
The soup is the content of your website – it's the most important part.

 Bad Content = Your site won't rank, it's that simple.

Spice is high-quality backlinks that increase your website's authority - the final ingredient to making your SEO soup perfect.
Website Seo soup

Search engines are used by internet users when they are searching for something. And you want to be "something". It doesn't matter whether you sell a product or service, write a blog or something else, SEO is a must

Your site needs to be indexed by search engines. Otherwise, your effort will be wasted.
Wise SEO techniques improve your site’s ranking in the search engine results page (SERP).

Higher ranking means higher visitors. The more visitors interact with the site, the more profits for you.

In short, if you plan to make your website a success, you need to do SEO. Some aspects are more complex, but more often than not, SEO success depends on common sense and some best practices.

Why is seo important?

The quick answer is a very important yes, follow along to find out why.
Everyone is working to improve their site and improve their pages to lead the search results, if you don't do that too, it means that you will not appear in the search results

Free traffic is normal in the sense that it is earned rather than paid for, but in order to be successful you still need to invest a lot of time and resources in SEO. Search engines are becoming more and more accurate in determining the purpose of search queries which makes choosing the right keywords to drive more traffic even more important.

Since organic traffic is not paid for, once your SEO strategy is in place and visibility is increased, your website will see growth in this channel. More visibility = more traffic = more leads = more revenue potential.

But it's not just about getting a lot of visitors. If the traffic of visitors is not of good quality, it is of no value. So never pay anyone who claims they can get thousands of visitors to your website overnight!

How do I learn SEO?

Do I need help from anyone?
Even basic changes can make a huge difference in how search engines view your website.

In this comprehensive guide to SEO for beginners, we will cover all the important topics and basics of SEO. You will gain enough knowledge to pursue SEO on your own.

If you are wondering how to learn SEO in 2022, we have a simple answer for you: It will take a lot of study and practice.

The good thing is that you will find many information on the internet for free (including seo guide) but you have to choose wisely. Moreover, you can attend various courses, classes or webinars.

If you do not want to bother yourself too much or do not have the time, you can seek help from consultants, specialists or SEO agencies. Keep in mind that this method will not be free compared to this guide.

Basic Seo Terminology.

On-page SEO VS Off-page SEO
White hat seo vs black hat seo vs gray hat seo
On-page SEO VS Off-page SEO
On-page SEO = On-page SEO

Off-page SEO = Off-page SEO.

On-page (on-site) SEO means optimizing your website to influence organic search results. It's everything you can do on a website - from content optimization to technical aspects:

  • meta tags
  • headings
  • URL structure
  • seo s
  • Content
  • structured data
  • Site size and speed
  • And many other things we will talk about in Chapter Three

Off-page SEO covers all the activities you can do to improve your authority by getting backlinks from other websites. There are many ways to get it:

Contact via email

  • guest post
  • Recordings
  • Presence on social media
  • Collaboration with influencers
  • Writing valuable content, so people like to link to your website.

White hat seo vs black hat seo vs gray hat seo.

Black berets vs. white berets is a phrase that has its origin in Western films. It's like bad guys versus good guys. But don't take these words too seriously. Opinions about them seem very different, and the work varies.

White Seo - Black Seo
Black hat SEO is a group of unethical practices to improve a website's ranking on the search engine results page. It is designed to influence search engines without taking into account the human factor.

Black hat SEO can get you to the top of the SERP in no time, however, sooner or later, search engines will likely penalize and ban the site.

Lists of violating practices can be found in the Google Webmaster Guidelines or Bing Webmaster Guidelines.

White hat SEO .

Or white hat seo is a set of ethical techniques that adhere to guidelines and rules.

The essential parts of White hat SEO are:

  • Quality and Relevant Content
  • Improve the site in general
  • Link building
White hat SEO is a long term strategy geared towards improving user experience. Overall, being a good guy in the SEO world is the right direction.

seo gray castle

There is also a term called Gray hat SEO, which is a practice that may be less risky when compared to black hat techniques.

Google has not clearly defined gray hat techniques, so you can gain thousands of website users while not being penalized or losing all your ranking after one day, short term strategy and you will lose everything.

In general, you don't want to make Google your enemy, working in white hat seo will be the most important because it is a strategy for the growth of the business.

SEO search engines.

welcome to chapter two,
In Chapter Two of the SEO Guide, you'll learn how search engines work, how people use them and what kind of search queries they make. We'll take a look at the technical background behind Google.

 Let's take a closer look at search engines and what are the most common ranking factors to focus on.

search engines.  How do search engines work?

How do search engines work?

Search engines consist of three main components, namely:


 Crawling websites and the World Wide Web.


 Index all crawled sites and put them in tables and databases.

Pick results:

After indexing the global and local sites, they are categorized and arranged to select the appropriate results for each search query.

The whole process is done as follows:

How search engines work


Crawling is done by crawlers or spiders (robots), which means scanning the site, its sections, content, keywords, titles, hyperlinks and images by thousands of small robots. Any data that can be found on the website is crawled, not just your sites but millions of websites.

The crawlers discover all hypertext links on a website that point to other websites. Then they analyze those pages for new links over and over. Bots regularly crawl the entire Internet to update data.


Once a website is crawled, indexing takes place. Imagine a catalog as a giant catalog or a library full of sites from all over the world. Indexing a website usually takes some time. From our experience, 1 to 10 days.

What is SEO

You can check which pages of your site have already been indexed with this search operator:

Advice from a seo expert.

Moreover, every time it is changed, our good friend crawler scans it again. Keep in mind that until updates are indexed on the website, they will not be visible in search engines.

Choose results

The results are critical for both developers and users. As soon as an Internet user submits a search query, the search engine drills into the index and pulls up the matching results. It is a process to check the query against billions of websites based on different algorithms.

The companies that operate the search engines (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!) keep the exact calculations of their algorithms secret. However, many of the ranking factors are well known.

ranking factors

Most of these factors have been proven, but some are just guesses or even myths. Moreover, some of them are more important than others. Cyrus Sheppard from Zyppy made a nice list of Google ranking factors.

You don't have to know all the ranking factors by heart to master SEO, but it's a good idea to have at least a basic overview.

Google Ranking Factors - Search Engine Optimization

Google Ranking Factors - Search Engine Optimization

One of the most important factors, backlink profile depends on the number and quality of backlinks that lead to your site. It's a very simplified way of Google bringing the authority of a website. Each backlink is basically an analogy to an academic quote.

Some other important ranking factors include (in no particular order):

  • Use related words and phrases
  • Links related to the content
  • Grammar and spelling
  • objective authority
  • social sharing
  • Domain age
  • AMP
  • Page layout and structure
  • Ranking factors can be divided into on-page SEO (including technical SEO) and link building or off-page SEO factors.

Check the authority of the domain of your site or any other site to find its strengths and weaknesses on sites such as:

  • Aherfs.
  •  MOZ.
  •  SiteProfiler .
  •  The best is the websiteseochecker

How people use search engines.

Conclusion: The main point of SEO is to be friendly to both users and search engines. If you invest all your money and time into the perfect technical SEO, that's fine. But if user interaction is poor, your online presence may be affected. This way you start wasting money. The user's point of view is priority number one.

SEO - How people use search engines.

Interactions with search engines have evolved over the years. However, the principle remains the same:

  • Need for a solution, information or answer
  • Write the need in the form of a query (keyword) in the search engine
  • View and browse results
  • Clicking on one or more results (websites)
  • Scanning websites for the answer
  • Pass more results in the first SERP and/or change the search query, if the answer is not found.
  • Presence of search engines in the market.

market search engines.

Search Engine Optimization

Market share of search engines

As you can see, Google has the largest share after Bing and Beidou. It is the first for phones and desktop devices.

How are search queries classified?

There are three types of search queries:

  • Navigational search queries (to search for a site or brand).
  • Media search queries (to search for information)
  • Transactional search queries (to buy or sell).
  • Navigational search queries.

Represents the intent to search for a particular brand or website. People tend to type “youtube” or “google” into search engines instead of using browser history or bookmarks.

Based on a study done by Mangole that analyzed 1.6 billion keywords, brands like YouTube, Facebook and Google had the highest search volumes along with other navigational queries.

Informational search queries

These are presented when users search for information. They are not looking for a specific website, however for an answer or instructions on how to do something. For example, “How do I cook pizza”.

Transactional search queries

This type is an intent to conduct a transaction. It usually comes with a product name (Nike Airmax) or category (sneakers). Additionally, it can be written with “place of purchase…” or “price..” or in a similar way.

There are many blog posts on how to target a specific search query. However, it may not be that easy in the future due to the growing popularity of voice assistants like Siri, Google Now or Alexa.

Informational search queries can quickly convert to transactions by opening a new app or giving an option to make a purchase.

SERP search results page updates.

It's nice to be on the first page of organic search results, being in the top three is what you want, but there's only one winner, right? It is a matter of perspective.

Websites all over the world are updated on a daily, weekly or monthly basis,… well, some of them are not, but this is a different case. The thing is that the Internet is growing every day. When new websites and changes are indexed by a search engine, the underlying results may change.

Google's algorithm

Another very important factor is the Google algorithm which changes all the time. Minor tweaks may not cause anything at all, but a major algorithm update can be an earthquake for sites.

What I'm trying to say is that even if you're a winner, your pages can (and probably likely) be replaced by your competitors' pages the other day, and vice versa.

SERP Features

Of course, rank first is important, but these days, you have to take into account what is called “position zero,” or position zero, which is the first result you get when you search for something in Google.

Let's take a look at the results of the query “how to cook potatoes”. The first result is a featured Google snippet that contains all or the most important information, so you don't need to check the other results.

There are many SERP features (also called rich snippets or featured snippets). Why should you care about them? Rich snippets affect the behavior of users when they see the SERP. In other words, it may have general organic search results and in many cases, lower click-through rates (CTR).

That's because SERP features have more visual appeal and often provide enough information that Google search users don't have to click on other results at all or just click on featured results.

These are some of the most common rich snippets you'll see in the SERP:

  • Featured Extract
  • answer box
  • Carousel (photos, videos, products)
  • photo pack
  • Map package
  • Sponsored Features (Google Ads, Flights, Google Shopping)
  • knowledge graph
  • Top news
  • Events
  • Website Section Links

The good thing is that there are ways to see and analyze the impact of these improved results. For example, SERPChecker from Mangole will perform the task.

Just type the keyword, select the location and device type. This tool will show you the search results and SERP features if any. The effect is estimated on a scale from 0 to 5.

SEO Search Engine Optimization

SEO Search Engine Optimization -Quick Tips for SEO Outbound and Inbound Links:

Quick Tips for SEO Outbound and Inbound Links:
Outbound links may not directly improve your ranking, but it is recommended to use them.
Use up to 2-3 internal links, depending on the length of the content.
Search engine crawlers scan these links, so don't try to cheat and watch out for broken links.
Follow the content cluster model, to optimize for internal linking so that your site is like a tree.

Search Engine Optimization - SEO improves the correlation of articles between them and the main content.
Search engine optimization - improve the link between articles and the main content.

It is seo to share your content on social media.
6. Let people participate and motivate them
Great content gets people to share it. Yes, maybe in the past.

People are lazy these days so share buttons should always be present on your website. According to BuzzSumo, social engagement has fallen by half since 2015.

In addition to Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, consider adding specific and relevant social networks, such as Reddit, Pinterest, and many more.

SEO on the page:

 Technical Issues Checklist
We can categorize technical SEO as the part of on-page SEO that deals with more technical things. It usually requires at least some development or web developer skills. But fear not too much, there are many things that you can easily do in WordPress?

These are the most important technical SEO factors to focus on:

1. Search Console

Search Console helps you analyze keyword rankings, click-through rates, potential Google penalties, and many other useful data for technical SEO.

Other features include content usability on mobile, choosing what you want indexed and what you don't, site errors, and structured data and links errors.

On-page SEO - Google Web Master

On-page SEO - Google Web Master

Quick Tips:

Each site (website) must be verified to use Search Console features.
Connect your site to Search Console and Google Analytics.
Link the site to Google Analytics and Webmaster for SEO
Link the site to Google Analytics and Webmaster for SEO

2. Website speed

Website speed is one of the ranking factors, so you should always aim to improve it. It is well known that 50% of web users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less. If it doesn't load within 3 seconds, they will leave.

Quick Tips:

Test your site's speed in PageSpeed Insights, GTMertix or PINGdom.
You can optimize the images, enable GZIP compression, HTML compression, reduce JS and CSS, and try to reduce server response time.
Quality web hosting plays a huge role in a website’s speed, so be sure to select a reliable provider.

3. Mobile SEO optimization.

Mobile site optimization is imperative. The world is shifting from desktop to mobile. In fact, running a website that is not optimized for mobile will negatively affect your site's ranking.

Google started rolling out mobile-first indexing in March 2018. Mobile-first indexing means that Google will use the mobile version of your website for indexing and ranking.

Quick Tips:
Test your website's responsiveness in the mobile-friendly test.
Monitor your keywords' ranking in mobile search results.
Make sure the mobile version of your website works like a charm.
You can also consider AMP(Accelerated Mobile Pages). It's an extended HTML with custom properties that allow static content to be displayed faster. In 2017, this was one of Google's major projects for mobile search. We'll see if there is any future for it.

There are several WordPress plugins that support the site to work with AMP, including the AMP plugin.

4. Seo sitemap.

A sitemap helps search engines crawl your content. It is a file where all the sections of a website are listed. It is very useful especially if you have a large and extensive website,

Having a sitemap does not mean that your ranking will improve. According to Google, it is a feature but you will never be penalized for not having it.

Quick Tips:

Not all websites need a sitemap.
There are more types of sitemap files than just XML sitemaps.
Your sitemap must not contain more than 50,000 URLs and cannot exceed 50MB.
Place the sitemap in the site root directory:

5. SEO robots.txt file.

Robots.txt file is a file that tells crawlers which sections of websites you don't want to access. It is located at and is public.

It's useful when you don't want some unnecessary text, files or images to be indexed.

  • robots.txt file structure:

  • User-agent: * (e.g. Googlebot)

  • Disallow: / (e.g. /images/pizza.png)
Quick Tips:

Don't use robots.txt to hide content from search engines.
Crawlers, bots or malware should not be able to violate robots.txt

More SEO improvements on the page

There are many SEO optimizations that will enhance the performance of your site.

First, start by analyzing the current state. It will help you find opportunities.

SEOSiteCheckup is a great tool for on-page search engine optimization (SEO) analysis. You can analyze one URL per day and download a PDF report without registering.

More SEO practices for on-site SEO.

Set up Google Tag Manager for advanced tag management, so you don't need any help from web developers.

Use GOOGLE TAG MANGER for more SEO improvements

HTTPS VS HTTP: In 2014, Google announced that it would boost rankings for HTTPS/SSL sites. Today we know that it is a lightweight ranking factor that affects a small percentage of queries.

But security is a strong psychological factor. Google Chrome, for example, classifies a website that is not SSL-encrypted as “not secure,” which affects user interaction.

URL/IP Specification: Specifying an IP address is important when a website is indexed under an IP address and domain name. Specifying a URL means: and should handle the same site
If you want to dig deeper into on-page SEO, check out this practical guide to on-page SEO for beginners. They cover everything from technical elements, through content and CTR optimization to monitoring and analyzing your progress

SEO How to publish search results

SEO on the page | On-page SEO
On-page SEO includes a long list of tasks to do. A few years ago, it was mostly about:
descriptive tags.
 and enhanced content.
 and headlines.

SEO How to publish search results

If you want to learn SEO in 2022, you will have a lot of fun with the things on the page. Let's dive in.

Search engine algorithms have come a long way and are becoming more and more sophisticated from the times when content, titles, and descriptions stuffed with keywords were enough to achieve high rankings in search results.

If you want to learn SEO, you can't get stuck in the past. One of the biggest improvements in search engines is that they take into account the human factor, in other words, user interaction with the content.

  • Don't forget that SEO is all about targeting people, not search engines
  • Note
  • Meta Tags
  • Meta tags are part of the HTML code.
  •  It describes the content of a website. The most important ones are the meta titles and meta descriptions tags.

For detailed information, be sure to read the definitions and optimization tips for both the Title tag and Meta Desceiption.

Technically it's not as important as it used to be.

Title tags and meta tags written in keywords do not directly affect your site’s ranking, but they remain a powerful psychological factor that influences CTR and overall user engagement. Therefore, it is still very important for SEO.

Do not confuse bloggers who say that title tags and meta descriptions are not important at all. On the other hand, keep in mind that Google's search algorithm changes titles and descriptions to better indicate their relevance to your query in case your copy doesn't match up enough.

There are many tools and plugins yoast seo, rank math, all in one seo, that analyze your content in terms of focus keyword usage in the meta title, meta description, titles, overall keyword density, alt image characteristics and more.

Yoast EO, for example, offers a lot of tips, but it still needs to be improved, you need to do it yourself. Write a unique and interesting description to attract customers, not search engines or search algorithms. Make sure to consider both technical and user experience perspectives when creating meta tags.

On-page SEO checklist.

Let's start with the things you can do in WordPress or any other content management system.

1. Find out what people are searching for before you start writing
Planning to write about a topic that people are searching for?
 Are you sure that your point of view is different and unique?
 Can you provide a new added value to the topic?
 Is your timing correct?

These are the key questions before you start writing and it doesn't matter if it's a blog or a product landing page. There are many ways to find out. Keyword research is an inevitable part. We talk about how to conduct keyword research in Chapter Five.

2. From SEO tags and titles.

Create an attractive title tag, meta description, and titles. Keep in mind what we mentioned earlier. The keyword must be present in both titles and description. So that users know what your website is about. Use the meta description as a great opportunity to confirm your CTA search term.

The goal of any CTA is to convince both users and search engines that your site will be clicked.

Again, think about user interaction, so don't overuse cheap or overly cliched words. Look at your competitors, analyze what works for them and build your own strategy.

Quick Tips for SEO Title Tags:

Google will show titles if they are up to 70 characters and meta descriptions are up to 155 characters (updated May 2019).
Make sure to use the correct <h1>, <h2>, <h3> ... syntax for readability and syntax.

Check out a preview of search results in tools like the SERP Emulator. Or SEOSiteCheckup or using a WordPress plugin like YOAST SEO that we talked about earlier.

SEO - Search Results Page Simulator

3. Use SEO friendly URLs
Avoid using automatically generated URLs with symbols, letters, and numbers:

Use URLs matching your content and title:

If you are using WordPress, you can set permanent links in the common settings.

 How to use links in wordpress seo.

SEO professionals and bloggers say that short URLs rank better in Google. We think it's about the user experience. Of course, that doesn't mean a 20-word URL is okay.

Multimedia. seo

4. Multimedia .. photos, videos, …
Do you want to involve your visitors in what is on your site? Use photos, graphs, infographics, and videos. It leads to lower bounce rates and increased reaction time. Some things have to be written the good old fashioned way but multimedia is a must.

Video streaming has been one of the hottest marketing trends for the past couple of years. Moreover, they motivate people to like, share or comment on your content.

Quick Multimedia SEO Tips:

Enhance images with related file names (how-to-bake-pizza.jpg), alternate image attributes, and file size.
Embed interactive multimedia such as videos or infographics.
Don't forget to include texts so you don't lose important keywords.

5. Seo external and internal links.

The use of outbound links gives an indication of relevance to your topic to Google. Make sure to link to reliable and relevant sources.

Internal links are an ideal way to promote your articles or other website sections. Easy to visit and leads to higher engagement. Internal linking also helps Google bots understand the structure of a website.

 Content and SEO

Excellent, you've made it to chapter four.

Content and SEO

Are content and seo independent terms or a perfect pair? A lot of marketers are used to thinking that they are separate players. Let's find out how you can take advantage of the synergy between them.

There has been a common myth among some marketers that perfect content doesn't need SEO. The truth is that they were wrong. We'll show you why.

Stop thinking about “Search Engine Optimization vs. Content Marketing” and start exploring how well they do together.


Seriously, can you imagine high quality content without on-page SEO or without a single backlink? Likewise, can you imagine a perfectly optimized website full of content that no one will ever read?

Some people still think that:

SEO is for search engines

But the truth is that the content is for humans

They are wrong! Content and SEO are intertwined and intertwined. You simply have to create unique content and optimize it for search engines and people at the same time. This technique is sometimes referred to as “SEO content” or “SEO copywriting.”

What content should I create?

This is the first and most important question. The answer (at least in theory) is simple: "Be unique." Creating original, thought-provoking and engaging content is a great start. Content and SEO should go hand in hand from the start. You can choose from different types of content:


Blogging is very popular, especially in recent years. A good blog is a great resource for users to interact not only with bloggers but also e-commerce or SaaS websites for businesses or professional service providers.

Creating a Blog Yes, whether creating a WordPress blog or even a Blogger blog is also a way to make money online by doing what you love (travel bloggers, marketing bloggers, etc.). Unique blogs with in-depth articles, guides and how-to articles can make you a respected influencer in the industry.

Quick Tips:

Stand out from the crowd, be original

Do your own research and use unique data

It's not about length, but about quality and added value for readers

Be consistent to create a strong personal brand

Collaboration with companies and influencers

You can get really creative with the types of content you post on your blog. Here are the most common ones (based on a GrowthBadger survey):

Product Pages

Quality product pages should be a top priority for every online business. They are often used as landing pages for PPC campaigns, including paid remarketing in Google ads or social media.

Quick Tips:

When it comes to e-commerce, simplicity should clearly describe the product, how much it costs and how to buy it (CTA)

Use professional product images and write attractive copy

Website speed and user experience are more important than ever


Do you want to be an influencer? Writing a review is nothing new but in the online world, everything can be reviewed. You can write reviews of gadgets, movies, bars, restaurants and electronics, and name them.

If you can become a trustworthy influencer, you will shape people's opinions and profit from sponsored reviews. Reviews are an inevitable component of influencer marketing.

Quick Tips:

  • Choose a specific topic
  • Don't just sell yourself because some companies pay well for a 5-star review
  • Create your own standard for what is great or poor
  • Consistency is the key to becoming a strong brand
  • Case studies and original research

Tell the world how things are done, share the interesting data you've collected, and reveal your customer satisfaction strategy or how it failed when launching a new product. Do experiments and test many myths in your field.

Perhaps the best thing about case studies is that they are always unique and bring new information to the readers.

Take your time, do your research, prepare enough original data and be honest (don't lie)

If you are writing about your business, show the people behind the company

Don't be shy, people are not interested in dull success stories

Check out this survey on the benefits of publishing original research by Buzzsumo:

Everyone loves them! Easy to share and download. However, authors frequently use it as an alternative to text. Then the graphs end up as complex images with a bunch of copies, so they lose potential.

Creating infographics is to make the information nice and easy to read.

Charts still have great sharing and linking potential, so be sure to play with data and design

Use only the most important data

Create a story, add charts or photos

When uploading graphs as images, don't forget to write text because crawlers can't "read" the text in the image

Guides, instructions, tricks and tips

Oftentimes, guides are published as part of blogging. “…a guide” and “how to…” are catchy keywords. You can write guides or instructions, but keep in mind that there are thousands of them already.

Don't copy others, give different tricks and tips than your competitors.

Record your own videos, or at least use custom screen recordings and screenshots

You can contact the product owner or seller to get a backlink or share it on their social profiles

If you are writing a guide about your own product, place the guide on the product landing page for additional traffic and an internal backlink


Another popular form of written content. There are thousands of top lists so think wisely about the topic you will choose.

Writing listings is an opportunity to include downloadable items to gather leads, gain valuable feedback and create buzz thanks to social shares and backlinks.

  • The title says it all about the post
  • Emphasize the extraordinary facts
  • Make the structure simple
  • Use proven data sources
  • Ask your readers to suggest other items on your list in the comments
  • interviews

Although not popular in the Arab world, getting unique information and opinions from an industry expert is great! It helps build credibility, attract visitors, social engagement, and backlinks.

What's more, interviewees with a large audience fetch you high visitor volume for free if they share the interview. You can write or record a video or podcast.

  • Try to meet an idea leader (a famous person in the industry)
  • Establish a clear structure for the interview
  • Questions should flow naturally
  • Allow readers to be curious about their ideas
  • Videos

Increase engagement, social engagement, likes, backlinks, more leads and conversions. These are the biggest benefits of using video content. Videos can increase conversion rates by 80%.

 SEO and article writing.

Script writing, proofreading and script practice

  • Set up some budget either for hardware and editing software or to hire a professional video maker.
  • Include text.

  • Develop a marketing plan or at least base promotional activities to justify the time and money you put in.
  • If you own a YouTube channel, learn to optimize video for SEO, or what is known as Youtube SEO.

Of course, you don't always need to create your own videos. Make your post even more interesting by sharing or embedding a video by an expert in the field! It can enrich your content and make the reader stay longer on your website.


E-books are commonly used to generate and bring in leads. Perhaps more in the B2B domain but there are still many B2C sites that require an email address to download an eBook.

Nobody gives you contact details this way. You need to give your readers a good reason. E-books usually come in PDF format and contain a long piece of content.

Quick Tips:

Write it like a professional book: you need a killer topic, title, preview, trusted author, proofreading, and attractive design

Motivating users to download: Using e-books with unique data and special tricks that can't be found on your website or when compared to competitors

What is the ideal length for an essay?

A few years ago, long posts stuffed with keywords easily ranked in the top positions. Somehow, it got to the point, as there seem to be hundreds of almost identical articles with the same keywords.

Creating content for content no longer works.

If you are writing an article, you need to grab the reader's attention. It starts with the title, first paragraph, type of content and most importantly the overall content structure. Use <h1, h2, h3, ...> and other HTML tags correctly.</p> <p>When it comes to time, posts with a read time of 7 minutes are ideal according to Medium. When it comes to our friend SEO, there are many studies. Most prove that longer articles are arranged a little better.</p>

Content Length and Website SEO - On-page SEO.

Sooner or later, we all get to the point where we need to repeat a few words we've written elsewhere on our site.

If there is a lot of duplicate content across your website, you can use 301 redirects or the rel="canonical" link element. You can learn more on the Google Search Console help pages.

Keep calm if you don't plan to copy lines of text. Google's search algorithm distinguishes whether you do this on purpose or as a natural part of your new content.

Only if you ever consider copying someone else's content can you stop reading this SEO guide. It is plagiarism and we are strongly against it. The risks, not to mention the costs. Google will penalize and skip your site from search results.

A popular plagiarism and copyright detection tool for content is Copyscape. All you have to do is enter the URL of the post.

Creating great content starts with the right research. Think about it, do keyword research, ask your friends, and take surveys on Facebook or anywhere else.

Once you choose the topic, scan the market and carefully read all the top-ranking websites. Don't copy it, try to create your own unique content and optimize it perfectly. Immediately after that, you can start promoting it.

 Searching for keywords

searching for keywords
searching for keywords

Keyword research is one of the core search engine optimization tasks. In this chapter, you will learn how to find the right niche for you and how to find profitable keywords that you can rank for.

searching for keywords

Creating content without keyword research does not pay off. The content will not rank without proper optimization and your site visitors will be low. You simply have to know which keywords to target to generate enough quality traffic.

Where do you find the keywords?

There are different ways to find keywords.

Your first task is to come up with the initial keywords – the phrases you will use as a starting point for finding more keyword ideas. If you run a blog about coffee, simple phrases like “coffee beans,” “coffee machines,” or “espresso” will work great.

searching for keywords

Classic keyword research methods: Google Suggestions.

Google offers many keyword suggestions directly in the SERP. Features like Google autocomplete, people also ask, or related searches can be a great source for keyword ideas.

With the autocomplete feature, just type your initial keyword into a Google search and the suggestions will appear automatically.

Google autocomplete for keyword search.

You can combine the initial keyword with different letters of the alphabet to find more autocomplete ideas (eg email marketing A, email marketing B,...)

Here is another example of keyword ideas that can be found on the Google results page:

keyword research - seo

All suggestions are based on real search queries used by people all over the world.

Keyword Tools. Seo

There are many free keyword research tools that can give you hundreds of keyword ideas based on one primary keyword.

Keyword Planner. Seo

 One of the most popular is Google Keyword Planner although its primary focus is researching keywords for PPC ads.

Free seo tools.

Another popular free tool is AnswerThePublic. It automatically generates hundreds of Google autocomplete suggestions.

Of course, free tools are very limited in their features. They offer many keyword suggestions, but what do you do with 500 keyword ideas?

Paid SEO Tools

Professional paid keyword tools provide useful SEO metrics and helpful statistics for evaluating and selecting the best keywords. Besides, it saves you a lot of time which gives you a competitive advantage.

Among the top paid and cool keyword research tools in order are:

SEO SEMrush:

This is the best company in the field, providing you with many SEO tools, among these tools, tools for keyword research, tracking and ranking tracking while deciding how difficult it is to rank in each keyword, but it is expensive, you can choose the trial for free for 7 days.

Ahrefs Seo.

 This is also an excellent site for doing a site audit as well as knowing the volume of keyword searches and many other features. You can also get the service for free for 7 days.

KWFinder SEO.

KWFinder is the perfect choice for Arabs to search for keywords, it provides excellent features, yet it does not compare with SEMRUSH, you also get 10 days for free.

Other tools for keyword research:

  • Majestic
  • Long Tail Pro
  • Alexa
  • Keyword Tool
  • serpstat

If your site is very large, we recommend SEMrush, if it is medium or small, we recommend KWfinder, and if your site is very small or new, we recommend using Google Keyword Planner.

Keyword Tool from kwfinder. seo and keywords

Along with keyword suggestions, it calculates keyword difficulty as well as your site's SERP position for each keyword to help you estimate your chances and analyze competitors.

Try KWFinder with a 10-day free trial. No credit card needed. You will discover that you were living in the Stone Age until you discovered these tools


You can also search for keywords your competitors rank in simply by typing in their location.

Do I need a paid keyword tool?

My rule of thumb is: If you are making money from your website in any way, a quality keyword tool is a great investment that will pay off sooner or later.

other platforms. To search for keywords:

You can search for keyword ideas just about anywhere. Focus on the websites that professionals use to ask questions, communicate, and share ideas.

Some of the most popular platforms for finding keyword ideas:

  • Youtube
  • reddit
  • Qora

  • Wikipedia
  • Forums

Keyword Metrics

In the past, content creators performed keyword research only to find keywords with high search volumes. They stuff it into the content to trick search engine algorithms and ensure high rankings in organic search. This is no longer useful because keyword research has become more complex!

These days you have to work with more metrics, think about the Google RankBrain algorithm and the actual SERP you plan to rank in.

Google RankBrain

RankBrain is a component of Google's algorithm based on artificial intelligence. It helps Google understand the intent of a query and provide the most relevant results thanks to the machine learning system.

Relevant keywords with high search volumes. and low keyword difficulty – the perfect combination of the three most important keyword research factors.

Imagine it, like a three-legged chair, if one of the legs was broken, the chair would fall.

With the same idea, there are three pillars on which the keyword research process is based:

  1. The first column: that the keyword has a large or good search volume.
  2. The second column: is that the keyword is sortable.
  3. The third column: is that the content of the site is suitable for that keyword.

If one of these columns drops, it means that you failed to search for the appropriate keyword.

Unfortunately, it is not always that easy and you need to find a balance between these factors.

Long keywords vs search volumes.

Start by searching for long tail or middle tail keywords.

Long tail keywords.

It has lower search volumes but there are thousands that represent the opportunity for you. Count them and you will see their huge potential.

Visitors who find you through long-tail keywords will interact with your content more often and have higher conversion rates. That's because the query is specific enough to find relevant results. And you want to be on top of these relevant results.

The largest number of long tail keywords is search volume. Sometimes, it might be up to 100 searches per month. This is why you need to find the right balance and a metric called keyword difficulty will help you achieve that.

Difficulty with keywords.

Once you've found the keywords you want to rank for, you'll need to assess how difficult it is. Keyword difficulty is a very useful metric that will help you with this.

The value is usually indicated on a scale from 0 to 100. The higher the score, the more difficult it is to rank on the first SERP for the keyword.

Searching for keywords in seo.

There are many keyword research tools on the market to calculate keyword difficulty. Values may vary – you can see a score of 30 on one tool and 50 on another for the exact same keyword.

This is because the calculations are based on slightly different metrics and algorithms. The important thing is to compare the results in one tool.

The intent of searching | search intentions

SERP analysis is a very important part of keyword research. It helps you know if:

You can compete with websites in the first SERP

The intent of researching the keywords that you want to improve your site or page for

By looking at the SERP search results page, you can determine the purpose behind the query. When you're looking for a "homemade pizza recipe", you probably don't want to buy a pizza.

Always keep this in mind so you don't end up optimizing for the wrong keywords.

There are 4 different types of search intent:

Navigation – search for a specific website/brand (“google search console”)

My Information - Find general information (“How to make coffee”)

Transactions – the user wants to buy something online

(“Buy an iphone xs”)

Commercial – User performs research prior to purchase (“canon 6d review”)

If you run a blog about pizza recipes, you wouldn't need to rank #1 for the keyword “pizza” (with over 4 million monthly searches globally)? Look at the SERP for the keyword:


 SEO keyword research

It wouldn't make sense to be there unless you plan to compete with Pizza Hut or Domino's. Yes, these types of keywords are very attractive but in most cases, they are not relevant to your niche. What's more, they represent only a few of all searches across the world. The majority of searches are long tail queries.

How not to search for keywords

Newbies and impatient content creators usually find a high-volume keyword in Google Keyword Planner or any other keyword research tool without thinking of other metrics.

As we explained above, finding the perfect keyword isn't just limited by search volume.

Another error is misinterpretation of the data. A common example is the "competition" degree in Google Keyword Planner. There is confusion between this scale and the difficulty of the keyword.

Competition in GKP represents the level of competition in Google AdWords. It does not represent how difficult it is to rank for this keyword.

Another thing to avoid at all costs is keyword stuffing. Keyword research is no longer about finding the perfect keyword and using it as much as possible.

Instead, select one focused keyword and use it to:

  • the address
  • Title tag and meta description
  • One of the first paragraphs of the text
  • A few times in the text (depends on keyword length too)

Google has evolved and understood what content is all about. If it's well written, comprehensive, and easy to use, you can actually categorize keywords that you haven't even used in your text.

If you do not believe me, you will test it, when you will find that you do not rank in a keyword, and yet you get visitors to that page directly from Google, and this means that your page is ranked for another keyword that you do not know and did not optimize your site or page for it, and once Google He saw it as an occasion showing it to a different search query than the one you were looking for.

Instead of using the same keyword over and over, try searching for LSI keywords.

Keywords .LSI.

(latent semantic index) are keywords related to the semantic of the primary keyword. It's a great addition to keyword research.

Keywords and Latent Semantic Index - Search Engine Optimization Guide.

Separate on-page SEO and improve website content.

LSI lyrics change all the time based on the current trend. Adding semantic keywords to your content is a good idea. You can use LSIGraph to generate a set of useful keyword ideas.

 Link building


In Chapter 6 of our SEO Beginners Guide, we'll discuss link building - one of the most important aspects of search engine optimization. Let's learn how you can build a profile with high quality links.

Link building is the process of getting links from other websites. From a technical point of view, backlinks are hypertext links that serve as a way to navigate between websites. Links are crawled by search engines allowing them to index web content.

Why is link building so important?

Search engines use links to discover new websites and to determine a website's overall rank in the SERP. In other words, they explore new content and determine the authority of the website based on the authority passed on from external sources.

This means that the website links profile is one of the most important ranking factors.

When Google introduced PageRank in the 1990s, the number of backlinks was used as an important measure of overall ranking. The more links you get, the better your ranking will be.

Because this can easily be abused, many Google algorithm updates have focused on punishing shady link-building techniques.

Today, link building is no longer about the number of backlinks, but mostly about quality and relevance.

Types of backlinks

In general, there are two types of backlinks:

Do-follow backlinks:

 Followed backlinks pass link page validity to the linked page. This salad is often called "link juice".

No-follow backlinks: These are backlinks that do not follow

You score any points at the linked website. They don't pass authority because of the “HTML” tag in the a tag in rel="nofollow" that crawlers are told not to count.

Unfollow links have no value from an SEO point of view.

Anchor text

Anchor text is a visible, clickable portion of a hyperlink. Helps crawlers determine the topic of the linked page.

If more pages link to specific terms used in anchor texts, it may help you rank for those terms in search engines.

Well, all I need is a lot of backlinks with the keyword you are focusing on as the body text, right?

It's not that easy. An overly optimized anchor text profile may result in a computational penalty from Google. It is better to leave static texts natural rather than try to modify them artificially.

There must be a balance between the following types of anchors:

  • Words and Phrases (“SEO Tools”)
  • Trademarks (“motaber”)
  • Branded Phrases (“Search Engine Optimization Guide by motaber”)
  • Public links text (“page”)
  • Bare URLs (“
  • Call-to-action (“Click here,” “Read more”)
  • Quality aspects of backlinks

Google studies multiple quality aspects of referral sites:

  • Domain Authority
  • Page Authority
  • Other cookie quality metrics
  • There are several metrics by Moz and Majestic that help us rate/rate these traits:

  • The page authority is from MOZ and stands for PA for Page Authority
  • Domain Authority from MOZ, symbolized by DA short for Domain Authority
  • Majestic Trust Flow

Citation Flow is from majestic, CF, for Citation Flow.

The higher the value, the higher the quality of the backlink.

When we take a look at Majestic's "Trust Flow" and "Citation Flow", we'll get another link rating.

The former says that sites closely linked to a trusted site can see higher scores, while sites that may contain some questionable links will see much lower scores. Citation Flow predicts how much a URL will affect the number of sites linked to it.


Links to a website must be relevant to its content. There will be no backlink from an online clothing store for you if you write a blog about recipes.

link position

Links placed in main articles or sections are better than links in footers and sidebars. Single links tend to be more valuable than site-wide links.

Website links appear on all pages of the website. They are usually in the footer, header, sidebar or blogs. Site-wide links are great for building both internal and external links.

They can generate a lot of visitors. Don't be intimidated by them but make sure to use only natural links and remember that their SEO potential may be a little lower when compared to single links.

In addition to the aspects mentioned above, we need to consider link freshness, anchor text quality, popularity and social mentions.

Link Building Strategies

It is not easy to get a high quality backlink. Techniques that were simpler (crosslinks or directory submission) no longer work, so SEO experts spend a lot of time trying different approaches.

Let's take a look at what works best these days:

Guest Blogging or Guest Posting.

Posting an article on other blogs and websites is probably the most popular method of link building. The equation is simple: you write a post and publish it on another site. The website will get free content and you will get a free backlink. the win.

Of course, it all comes down to quality. If you want a good backlink, you need an excellent article and publish it on another blog for the blog owner to accept. The popularity of this technique means that everyone is using it and there are too many bad guest articles and bad communication emails.

Here's what you need to keep in mind when implementing a Reach Out campaign:

Do not use forms

be personal

Offer relevant and well-researched topics

Competitors' backlinks

A time consuming but still very effective strategy is to find what works for others. Check out the websites that link to your competitors, create better content and contact the relevant people behind these websites to link to your site instead.

The easiest way to find your competitor's backlinks is to use the backlink tool (most of the SEO tools we mentioned earlier provide this service, use the demo to see which sites are linking to your competitors and then try to get links from them as well).

Once you've found your competitor's backlinks, it's time to analyze the best opportunities. You should consider:

Link Relevancy - Is the link relevant to your content?

Link Strength - What is the authority/authority of a linking page?

Opportunity to repeat backlink - Will I be able to get the same backlink?

The next step is what's called email communication - contacting website owners to replace your competitor's backlink (also known as Skyscraper technology) or adding your own backlink as an additional resource.

Here are some other popular link building techniques:

Content-based link building: Create content that naturally attracts backlinks, social shares, and referral traffic

Social backlinks:

Share your content on social media, promote it on Facebook, join discussions, comment on relevant posts, and create connections

Building broken/broken links:

Find websites with non-active links and give them your own content to link to instead. PR articles written by professionals and published on news portals will give you quality backlinks but put some budget for this and make sure it's really relevant.

Buy backlinks:

Via paid blog posts

Write a testimonial testimonial: for a product with a backlink to your website.

  • Backlinks from forums.
  • Question and answer sites.
  • and top menus.
  • and comments.
  • and content aggregators.
  •  Lists of commercial activities.

 etc. (keep in mind that the vast majority of them are not following or low quality links).

Gray/black hat seo techniques.

Like building a PBN (Private Blogger Network) link, although we don't recommend it at all.

Black hat seo practice techniques and penalties.

Paid backlinks and a PBN (Private Blogger Network) are another way to create backlinks but these are black hat (or gray hat) techniques. Google may detect the pattern and penalize your website.

On the other hand, these technologies still work. You just need to be very careful and think about all the potential risks before taking the black hat course ?

Penalties and exclusion from search results.

An update to the Google Penguin algorithm starting in April 2012 began to detect and penalize bad, spammy, or low-quality links.

However, if you have unwanted or low quality backlinks that you didn't create, don't panic! Google understands that not all bad backlinks are created on purpose.

And usually the worst case scenario is that they will just ignore these backlinks. If you want to be sure, you can still disavow these backlinks in Search Console.

best practices

Create links regularly, it is not a one time effort

Get some high quality links instead of many low quality links

Distribute the natural anchor text based on the tips we mentioned in the Anchor Text section

Avoid backlinks from unwanted websites and networks

Try to get backlink placements that might bring you referral traffic as well.

User Experience & Seo

Use them as two aspects of digital marketing that go hand in hand. In this chapter, we focus on their synergy to discover how you can improve your ranking by doing a few extras on your website.

 User Experience (UQuestionsX)

seo experience page

  UX professionals have to admit that the user experience started even before using a website.

User experience begins with submitting a search query to a search engine.

User Experience: What is it?

User experience is the interaction of each user with the company, its website or its prod مخucts. It is the general experience that influences product development, design, marketing, and customer support.

In this SEO guide, we focus on the “online” user experience and its relationship with SEO. User experience (UX) is no longer just about meeting customer requirements. It is about exceeding these requirements.

You have to think outside the box and develop a website that naturally covers everything the customer needs without bothering them.

UX which means user experience is not the UI (User Interface). Yes, it is part of it but we need to distinguish these terms. Imagine an online store. Despite the user interface to find a perfect product, the general user experience will be poor if we click on “Order and Pay” and suddenly an error message appears that the product is out of stock.

UX Rules Offline

The first and most important part is to understand that user experience is a never-ending process of improvements towards customers. It is a philosophy that the company must adhere to and develop its website accordingly.

Web UX is a combination .

of content and technical user experience. Simply we can say that user experience is everything. That's why we need to understand its complexity and its impact on everyone inside and outside the company. We are talking about:


Website structure and ease of navigation

Conversion path optimization

  • Easy Qualification Process
  • page speed
  • site response
  • Content Optimization
  • Content Structure
  • Title tags and meta descriptions
  • Real time customer support

  • Smooth workflow
  • Don't make the visitor feel cheated
  • User Experience and Seo

When we think of “UX and SEO” instead of “UX vs. SEO”, we have to deal with challenges every now and then. Not all of the above are directly related to SEO. Let's take a look at everything related to user experience.

Site structure and navigation

Let's put everything on one page to ensure a smooth user experience. This is a valid idea in the world of user experience. It's easy and it makes sense. But SEOs know that getting visitors from organic search is at least half the success.

Many visitors should come from organic search or get to the page directly based on their previous actions. Other visitors are referred from various sources such as social media, blogs or pay-per-click campaigns.

Can you imagine trying a single page for all these different intents and search queries? People use Google to find what they want. Your website should be the result.

When it comes to the ease of navigating your site, don't try to fit all the potential landing pages for SEO. A link to your most recent blog in Google Navigation indicates that the URL is important but may not be relevant to your website visitors.

As an example, in this blog post. There is a book-shaped icon in the list if you notice it, its role is to save the page for the next visit. It helps the visitor to return to the pages he wants to visit easily in the future. Condition to press it to be saved there.

page speed

The faster your website, the better the user experience. As we mentioned in Chapter Three, page speed is one of the ranking factors. There is a clear relationship between SEO and UX. This is perhaps the easiest case to explain.

Content Optimization

Understand the language of the typical researcher and adjust your content to it. In other words, do keyword research and optimize your content accordingly.

The goal is to make your content accessible to everyone who is looking for a product, solution, or any information your website might offer. Of course, don't forget the intent of researching all the keyword research techniques we explained in Chapter 4 so you don't end up optimizing for the wrong keywords.

Title tags and meta descriptions

The closer to position zero on the search results page, the more likely your site will be clicked. These are quick calculations.

However, if you mess up the title tag and meta description, quick calculations can go wrong. Your goal is to grab the searcher's attention with copy that encourages them to click on your website in the SERP

There are 3 main elements to keep in mind when creating title tags and meta descriptions:

  • SEO - Use the right keywords so the crawlers can understand what the site is about and what content is most important.
  • User Experience - Give searchers clear and meaningful information that will motivate them to click because they will find what they are looking for.
  • Marketing – Irresistible copy with a clear call to action leads to higher CTRs.

SEO and User Experience: Measuring and Evaluating Results

From Google Analytics.

 From specialized reports to internal data, there are a variety of options that you can use.

Google Analytics is the most important place to evaluate user experience and SEO, don't give up on this free tool.

Engagement and behavior metrics in Google Analytics

“Bounce Rate”, “Pages per Session” and “Average Session Duration” provide a basic insight into user interaction. These metrics are in almost every Google Analytics report, so you can see and monitor them for the top traffic sources.

SEO and User Experience in Search Engine Optimization - Evaluate and Measure Results

More detailed information is available in the “Behaviour” category. Behavior Flow tells you how visitors interact with different sections of the site. Advanced options allow you to see reports based on traffic sources, landing pages, campaigns, and more.

Although the report is usually based on a small percentage of the site's visitors, it comes with a useful tip: it tells you how many users have passed or dropped when visiting that particular section.

Conversion paths in Google Analytics

This report tells you how people interact with the checkout page on your website. Do you have more than one step in the payment process? In this case, do not forget to properly set up target tracking in the admin menu

This way, you will measure how many people went through all the steps and how many were abandoned throughout the process. It could be a registration form, a purchase or a subscription form on your blog. It is just another very useful information to improve the user experience.

If the majority of website users who visited the checkout process did not fill out the first form, then you know something is wrong.

Heat maps and records

Thermal maps depict the behavior of site visitors while providing many useful reports. Sophisticated heat mapping tools like Hotjar or Crazyegg come with complex analytics solutions but can be too expensive for bloggers or small businesses. For starters, a limited free plan from Hotjar or Ptengine might be a good start.

SEO User Experience Part of SEO - Heat Maps from hotjar.

Heat maps help a lot when it comes to both SEO and user experience. The power of heat maps is the ability to see exactly where people are clicking, which items they expect to be clickable, and how to scroll, interact, and fill out forms.

High-quality heat map tools include user behavior recordings. Are these tools worth it? Yes, but not for everyone. Companies with more complex (e-commerce) pages should go (and usually with bigger budgets), but there's no point in bloggers spending hundreds of dollars on these expert tools. The limited free versions should do the job.

internal data

Do you know what's great about internal data? There are no additional costs. You can create these reports filled with useful information all the time:


  • Feedback Forms
  • Comments and feedback
  • Customer wishes and complaints
  • Marketing Reports
  • Email responses
  • Web Developer Reports
  • Test and site speed

Testing the site before launching it is a must! Beta testing provides a lot of useful information. They are the first real users. Moreover, you can do some usability testing with colleagues, friends or fans during the development process.

Pay attention to key elements such as page speed, mobile optimization, and other important aspects of on-page SEO.

 The most important questions about SEO and their answers.

In this summary, we show you the most important questions and their answers about everything related to SEO

The most important questions about SEO and their answers.

What is the keyword?

Keywords are the words that people enter into Google to search for a specific thing, and SEO experts use these words to improve their sites and pages to get the largest amount of visitors and potential customers.

Black hat  is practices that violate the rules of Google, but they only work for a short period of time, then your site will be penalized and it will not appear again in the search results.

Gray hat seo is what is between white seoand black hat, and it is not recommended,

What is google seo?

google seo Google seo is to use all the practices recommended by Google as well as updates that come with Google's search algorithms and to use the free tools that Google offers to work with it to improve search engines, including google search console, google analytics, google news, google trends.

What are the types of seo?

There are three types of SEO, white hat seo, gray hat seo and black hat seo, white hat seo practices are the safest and surest for improving your site and ranking legally and permanently.

What are search engine optimization factors?

Search engine optimization factors are the factors that you must improve in your site in order to rank well in Google, and the number of these factors, according to experts, is 200. Among the most important of these factors are, the quality of the content, the speed of the site, and the user experience.

What are seo tools?

SEO tools are tools that help you improve your site for search engines.

The most important of these tools are SEMrush, kwfinder, moz, Aherfs and many others that you can use for SEO.

What are backlinks or backlinks?

Backlinks or backlinks are the links on other sites that if someone clicks on them lead to your site, link building is the most important SEO strategy. Because backlinks are an important factor in ranking your site.

What is seo in Arabic?

SEO in Arabic means using all search engine optimization techniques on Arabic content, and also indicates SEO resources and references.

Why does SEO take some time before you see the benefits?

SEO takes time because there is no longer an easy way to fiddle with the system. Search engine algorithms are becoming more and more advanced with a focus on delivering relevant and higher quality results to users based on their search query.

Whereas when SEO started all it took to get a web page stuffed with your chosen keyword and directed as many links to it as possible to see quick results, things have changed dramatically.

Deploying tactics like this in 2022 is likely to do far more harm than good in the long run.

What are the best SEO practices?

Overall, there are a few important best practices to follow to have a chance of ranking well for your chosen keywords.

You may have heard people say “content is king” when they talk about SEO, and in some ways they are right. Quality content that contains the target keyword (and its variations) and satisfies the user's intent closely correlates with a better ranking.

But content alone won't cut it. Backlinks (links that point from third-party domains to your own) are also an important factor in the ranking, but the quality of the link, how relevant it is, and the domain it links to from that account, rather than the number alone.

For example, if you sell seeds, then one link from BBC Gardeners World Magazine in an in-depth article on the best tulip seeds will be more valuable than thousands of links posted in comments on low-quality blogs that have nothing to do with gardeners.

Another big factor to consider is on-page optimization. This includes making your website's search engine easy with optimized title content (title tags, meta descriptions) tags and images.

Then there are technical considerations. It is important to ensure that the site structure is good, with clear navigation and internal linking, not only for search engines, but for users as well.

What is on-page seo?

On-page SEO is about any action taken on the website itself to improve performance. This includes:

  • Use optimized content with targeted keywords (including meta, titles, and images).
  • Ensure that the site is accessible (crawlable and indexed by search engines) and users can navigate easily.
  • Use of internal links (in menus, text copy, and navigation gestures to aid navigation).
  • Ensure that the website loads quickly.
  • Keep crawling errors to a minimum.

  • Own a mobile optimized website.
  • No duplication (same content on more than one page), thin content (low word count), or ensuring that these pages cannot be accessed and indexed by search engines.

  • Use descriptive and static static URLs with a structure that follows the same structure as the site

Why are keywords important?

Without the right keywords, you will really struggle to drive valuable traffic to a website!

However, choosing the right keywords can be challenging, especially if your business operates in a competitive position. This is why keyword research is so important. Any SEO agency worthy of its place will use multiple tools to select target keywords, assess their competitiveness, and provide suggestions for which target pages the keywords should appear on.

Not all keywords are created equal.

 While high volume, a generic term like “books” might sound like a good keyword if you sell books, realistically speaking, it would be very difficult to rank for a keyword like this, especially when you are up against e-commerce giants like Amazon. Buy books online may be less search volume, but more relevant to your offer.

Now, 'buy books online' would be one of the 'money' terms (the user intended to buy a book), but keep in mind the number of other searches users might make when searching for the type of book they want to buy.

This is where the keywords "long tail" come in. Made up of a number of keywords, often in a phrase or question, these keywords can be useful in driving traffic to pages deeper than your site, including FAQ pages, or a blog post.

A good example would be the “2022 Bestseller Horror Books” with all recommended books of this genre on the landing page, or the “Top 10 Horror Books” blog post.

How do I write an SEO article?

There are a few ground rules to follow when writing an easy copy of SEO – but optimization doesn't have to come at the expense of user experience.

Do you sell horror books? Sure, you could write a landing page that says:

If you like the horror genre, then you will love these horror books. You can buy horror books online today and get next day delivery on all the best horror books. Horror lovers will love reading these horror novels. We stock a large selection of books from the best selling horror book. Buy the latest horror books now!

Yes, it mentions what you are selling, and yes, it contains variations of your keyword. But it is absolute rubbish. Is this really how you want visitors to view your brand?

Will it work for search engines?

Maybe to some extent. But will it perform better than well-written, improved versions? Mostly not.

Similarly, you could write a great creative landing page about horror books, but if it doesn't actually say you're selling them (or worse, doesn't mention any keywords at all), how will you be found?

Why is site speed important?

How long do you wait for a website to load? 5 seconds? 3 seconds? less?

  • When it comes to site speed predictions, did you know that:

  • 47% of people expect your site to load in less than two seconds.
  • 40% will abandon it completely if it takes more than 3 seconds.

Most people have short periods of interest when searching online, so it is important to present the information they are looking for quickly. Not only is this important for users, but also for search engines, as they want to deliver high-quality search results – quickly.

There is no point in ranking the site highly if users click on the result, wait 5 seconds for the page to load, and when it doesn't, they click directly back to the search results. Low site time and high bounce rates (when a user visits a site and leaves without visiting any other pages) sends signals that the user experience is poor.

Additionally, if your page loading speed is really slow, search engines may not bother to crawl and index some pages at all.

According to Google:

"Google will reduce the amount of crawlers it sends to your site if your server is slower than 2 seconds."

This means that search engines are less likely to discover the latest landing pages, blog posts, or other updates.

While deleting a fraction of a millisecond of page load time won't make much difference to a site that's already loading quickly, doing what you can to get search engines to increase crawl activity will always be a positive.

What are the most important SEO tips?

The most important SEO tips from an expert are: Your site content is exclusive, unique and of high quality, Your site is fast, Its design is excellent, Gain some good backlinks and stay away from bad practices, Enhance your presence on social media.

What is youtube seo?

YouTube Seo is all the adjustments that you can make to the video, whether in your YouTube channel or on another video hosting site. And also some improvements related to social communication

Does the number of visitors affect your site's ranking in Google?

Kinda yes.

Again, the algorithms will determine why the number of visitors is high before evaluating whether this is an indication that your site contains something that users find valuable.

It won't be proven how much visitor count actually affects rankings, but there are a few case studies that suggest there might be some correlation.

common questions

What does seo mean?

The term SEO is a term compatible with the term SEO in English, which is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization, and in Arabic it means search engine optimization.

What is SEO?

Simply put, SEO is a process that forms part of an e-marketing strategy that focuses on optimizing a website to make it more visible in search engine results pages (i.e. in Google search results) with the goal of driving organic traffic to the website. Organic traffic is directed to a website from clicks on those search results.

Whereas the focus was primarily on getting to the top of search results for a particular search query (keyword), even when paid results were excluded, search engines became more diverse in the type of results they provided, making it more difficult to capture this “real estate” key page. “For example.

What are SEO tools?

SEO tools provide data and alerts about the overall health and success of your site. They help uncover areas of opportunity and identify weaknesses or problems that may prevent you from ranking and gaining visibility into SERPs. Just as each tool has a specific role, the same goes for search engine optimization (SEO).

Is seo hard to learn?

SEO is difficult at first but when you learn Google's algorithmic policies. You can arrange your website in no time. Just stay tuned for algorithm updates from Google and its new policies. SEO takes time and patience.


  • Post category:Seo
  • Reading time:68 mins read
  • What is digital public relations? (And how it can support your SEO strategy)
  • What is digital public relations? (And how it can support your SEO strategy)


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