SEO How to publish search results

SEO How to publish search results

SEO on the page | On-page SEO
On-page SEO includes a long list of tasks to do. A few years ago, it was mostly about:
descriptive tags.
 and enhanced content.
 and headlines.

SEO How to publish search results

If you want to learn SEO in 2022, you will have a lot of fun with the things on the page. Let's dive in.

Search engine algorithms have come a long way and are becoming more and more sophisticated from the times when content, titles, and descriptions stuffed with keywords were enough to achieve high rankings in search results.

If you want to learn SEO, you can't get stuck in the past. One of the biggest improvements in search engines is that they take into account the human factor, in other words, user interaction with the content.

  • Don't forget that SEO is all about targeting people, not search engines
  • Note
  • Meta Tags
  • Meta tags are part of the HTML code.
  •  It describes the content of a website. The most important ones are the meta titles and meta descriptions tags.

For detailed information, be sure to read the definitions and optimization tips for both the Title tag and Meta Desceiption.

Technically it's not as important as it used to be.

Title tags and meta tags written in keywords do not directly affect your site’s ranking, but they remain a powerful psychological factor that influences CTR and overall user engagement. Therefore, it is still very important for SEO.

Do not confuse bloggers who say that title tags and meta descriptions are not important at all. On the other hand, keep in mind that Google's search algorithm changes titles and descriptions to better indicate their relevance to your query in case your copy doesn't match up enough.

There are many tools and plugins yoast seo, rank math, all in one seo, that analyze your content in terms of focus keyword usage in the meta title, meta description, titles, overall keyword density, alt image characteristics and more.

Yoast EO, for example, offers a lot of tips, but it still needs to be improved, you need to do it yourself. Write a unique and interesting description to attract customers, not search engines or search algorithms. Make sure to consider both technical and user experience perspectives when creating meta tags.

On-page SEO checklist.

Let's start with the things you can do in WordPress or any other content management system.

1. Find out what people are searching for before you start writing
Planning to write about a topic that people are searching for?
 Are you sure that your point of view is different and unique?
 Can you provide a new added value to the topic?
 Is your timing correct?

These are the key questions before you start writing and it doesn't matter if it's a blog or a product landing page. There are many ways to find out. Keyword research is an inevitable part. We talk about how to conduct keyword research in Chapter Five.

2. From SEO tags and titles.

Create an attractive title tag, meta description, and titles. Keep in mind what we mentioned earlier. The keyword must be present in both titles and description. So that users know what your website is about. Use the meta description as a great opportunity to confirm your CTA search term.

The goal of any CTA is to convince both users and search engines that your site will be clicked.

Again, think about user interaction, so don't overuse cheap or overly cliched words. Look at your competitors, analyze what works for them and build your own strategy.

Quick Tips for SEO Title Tags:

Google will show titles if they are up to 70 characters and meta descriptions are up to 155 characters (updated May 2019).
Make sure to use the correct <h1>, <h2>, <h3> ... syntax for readability and syntax.

Check out a preview of search results in tools like the SERP Emulator. Or SEOSiteCheckup or using a WordPress plugin like YOAST SEO that we talked about earlier.

SEO - Search Results Page Simulator

3. Use SEO friendly URLs
Avoid using automatically generated URLs with symbols, letters, and numbers:

Use URLs matching your content and title:

If you are using WordPress, you can set permanent links in the common settings.

 How to use links in wordpress seo.

SEO professionals and bloggers say that short URLs rank better in Google. We think it's about the user experience. Of course, that doesn't mean a 20-word URL is okay.

Multimedia. seo

4. Multimedia .. photos, videos, …
Do you want to involve your visitors in what is on your site? Use photos, graphs, infographics, and videos. It leads to lower bounce rates and increased reaction time. Some things have to be written the good old fashioned way but multimedia is a must.

Video streaming has been one of the hottest marketing trends for the past couple of years. Moreover, they motivate people to like, share or comment on your content.

Quick Multimedia SEO Tips:

Enhance images with related file names (how-to-bake-pizza.jpg), alternate image attributes, and file size.
Embed interactive multimedia such as videos or infographics.
Don't forget to include texts so you don't lose important keywords.

5. Seo external and internal links.

The use of outbound links gives an indication of relevance to your topic to Google. Make sure to link to reliable and relevant sources.

Internal links are an ideal way to promote your articles or other website sections. Easy to visit and leads to higher engagement. Internal linking also helps Google bots understand the structure of a website.


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