

Obstetrics (from the Latin obstare "to stand by") .is a health science that deals with the care of women during pregnancy .(the antenatal, childbirth and postpartum period). as well as the care of their newborn babies. A doctor who practices obstetrics is called a midwifery health science, which is the. non-surgical equivalent, while a doctor who intervenes surgically is called an. obstetrician and gynecologist. Veterinary obstetrics is the same concept as veterinary medicine, and almost all modern obstetricians are also gynecologists.

Obstetrics for pregnant women


official name

Doctor, consultant, specialist

branch of

health sciences

the field

Medicine and Surgery

Education required

Medical training and specialized postgraduate training

Employment field

Hospitals and clinics

prenatal care

Prenatal care is important to detect any complications during pregnancy, and it includes routine visits to the gynecologist’s office, and conducting some routine medical and laboratory tests as follows:

3D ultrasound scan of a fetus of 76 mm (approximately 14 weeks of gestational age)


The fetus in the 17th week

Fetus in the 20th week

First trimester of pregnancy

Complete blood count (CBC)

group identification

the blood

General antibody test (Indirect Coombs test for HDN)

Patients with prenatal Rh disease should use RhoGam at 28 weeks to prevent Rh disease.

Rapid plasmapheresis (RPR) screening for syphilis.

Measles antibody test.

Serum surface antigen assay for hepatitis B virus.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea culture.

PPD (pure protein) assay for tuberculosis

Papanicola smear to detect cervical cancer


HIV or AIDS screening


oalmudadat aleamu (akhtibar kumbis ghayr almubashir liHDN)

almardaa aladhin yueanun min marad Rh alsaabiq lilwiladat yanbaghi 'an yastakhdimuu eaqar RhoGam fi al'usbue al28 limane marad Rh.

kashf albalazimiat alsarie (RPR) lifahs marad alzahri.

fahs al'ajsam almudadat lilhasbati.

fahs mawlid almudadaat alsathii fi aldam lialtihab alkabid alfayrusii bi.

astinabat alharashif albareamiat alkalamidya waltaeqiba (alsilan).

fahs PPD (alburutin alnaqi) lilsil (alttdirna)

lutakhat babanikula lilkashf ean saratan eunuq alrahim

tahlil albul.

fahs fayrus naqs almanaeat albashariat 'aw al'iidz

mash majmueat almukawarat aleaqdiat B - bitalaqaa albinslin

Anti-general (indirect Coombs test for HDN)

Patients with prenatal Rh disease should use RhoGam at 28 weeks to prevent Rh disease.

Rapid plasmapheresis (RPR) screening for syphilis.

Measles antibody test.

Serum surface antigen assay for hepatitis B virus.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea culture.

PPD (pure protein) assay for tuberculosis

Papanicola smear to detect cervical cancer


HIV or AIDS screening

Screening of group B streptococci - receiving penicillincci group scanning


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