Leaving the forbidden and he came out of his body musk.

Leaving the forbidden and he came out of his body musk.

Leaving the forbidden and he came out of his body musk.

Whoever leaves something for God, God will compensate him with something better

There was a young man who sold linen (cloth) and put it on his back and roamed the houses and called him (Farqana). One day, as he was passing through the streets, alleys and houses, raising his voice, “we separated” when a woman saw him and called him, so he came to her, and she ordered him to enter the house, and she admired him and loved him very much, and she said to him. I did not invite you to buy from you. . I called you for the sake of my love for you, and there is no one in the house.

A handicapped handicapped by many women

but to no avail . . It only increases her insistence. . The thing I like to what is strictly human . . When she saw him abstaining from the forbidden, she said to him: If you do not do what I command you, you will cry to the people and tell them he entered my house and he wants to get my chastity and people will believe my words because you are inside my house. . When he saw sticking to the sin and aggression . He said to her: Will you allow me to enter the bathroom for the sake of hygiene? She was very happy with what he said. . And she thought that he had agreed to the desired . . She said: How can I not, my beloved, the sweetness of my eyes? That's great . . .

He entered the bathroom, his body trembling with fear and falling into the mud of disobedience. . Women are the ropes of Satan, and no man is alone with a woman except that Satan is the third of them. . Oh my God, what shall I do Vladlen O surrogates guide . And suddenly came in his mind the idea. He said: I know very well: One of those whom God will shade on the Day when there is no shade but His is a man who was called by a woman of position and beauty. . And the Lord of lust inherited regret to the end of life. . What will I gain from this disobedience except that God will raise from my heart the light and pleasure of faith. . I will not do haram. . But what am I going to do if I throw myself out the window I can't

It is very closed and difficult to open . . If I stain my body with this dirt and dirt, perhaps if she sees me in this condition, she will leave me alone. . And actually designed to act that Ttzzs of souls. . With it comes out of the soul ! Then he wept and said: Lord, my God and my master, your fear made me do this work. . I will leave it well. . He came out of the bathroom, and when she saw him she shouted at him: Get out, crazy? So he came out frightened, waiting for people and their words and what they would say about him

He took his belongings and the people laughing at him in the streets until he reached his house and there he sighed and took off his clothes and entered the bathroom and took a good wash. Then what? . Does God leave his servant and his guardian like this? . No, dear friends. . When he came out of the bathroom, God compensated him with something great that remained in his body until he passed away from life and after life. . Allah, Glory be to Him, has given him a sweet, fragrant aromatic scent, like the perfume of musk, that comes out of his body. . People smell it at a distance of several meters and that became his nickname. . "Muski


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