10 tips to improve your videoads

10 tips to improve your videoads.

10 tips to improve your videoads

Launching a videoads campaign is a great move, but there are a few things you need to prepare before you start paying for views. This way, you can get the most out of your budget and see the highest return on investment.

1. Define your metrics and goals.

When analyzing the results, there are four main categories of metrics that you can track for each video.

Views and impressions.

Under the "Views" category, you can better understand the percentage of the ad people viewed and understand how the ad attracts the number of views gained. You can also learn how to increase views on other videos of your brand.

YouTube audience.

This category can be used to track measures of participation broken down based on age, gender, family income, and parental status.

YouTube Ads Audience Viewership Rate.

Viewership can indicate whether the creative and message are interesting or entertaining enough for people to see the ad. By increasing your VTR, you will lower your cost-per-view.

Youtube ads viewership rate.

Conversions will help you better understand whether your ad attracts potential customers and returns a high ROI for your brand.

Youtube ad conversions.

Depending on the brand goals, you should set some goals based on these metrics, formalize a plan to improve creativity, and experiment with different targeting criteria to improve results. Your goals should also define the type of content you'll display in the ad - some metrics are better for brand goals and others will drive leads and conversions.

2. Keep track of low performing placements.

If you're running in-display ads that will appear across the Google Display Network, you can review where the ad appeared by going to Video targeting > Placements > Where to show ads > Display network from the Google Ads campaigns dashboard. Review this list to see if any particular sites contribute to poor performance for your desired metrics. Exclude these sites from your ad campaign while moving forward to increase your average CPV.

3. Use a custom thumbnail.

Design or use a high-quality still image from your video to entice viewers to click on your video. Remember that this image must be read by users on different devices, including mobile devices. If your photo contains a person, make sure they are looking into the camera. If you are displaying a product, make sure the background .is not distracting.

4. Paying people to buy with cards.

The YouTube card has a small "i" icon that the viewer can click to expand it. You can set when this appears so that only users who have interacted with the video and content can see the notification.

With cards, you can display a product related to or featured in the video to increase product purchases. You can also use the cards to direct your fundraising donations, URL traffic, or traffic to other videos as shown in the example below from our YouTube channel. Each format will allow you to customize the card with text, images, and other options.

Examples of YouTube Video Cards

5. Create calls to action.
When promoting a YouTube video, you can include call-to-action overlays that link to the URL. You can link to a landing page, product page, info page, jobs page... whatever you want. You can also send people to a positive report or interview featuring the brand.

6- Create an end screen to attract subscribers to your channel, promote your social network.

, or increase interest in your brand. If someone watches a video to the end, it's a good sign that they enjoy your content and might be interested in subscribing to your channel for future updates.

This end list by HubSpot increases social media subscribers and fans while also highlighting other interesting topics presented by its host. Once the image is created, you will be able to annotate the end screen in the YouTube video editor. YouTube video end menu examples

7. Use passive remarketing.

If you're running a campaign for a longer period of time and want to attract only new users to a brand, consider creating a list of people for whom your ad won't appear.

You can expand your campaign budget and target only unique users by excluding those who have previously watched the selected video, visited your YouTube channel, shared, liked or commented on any of your videos.


8. Use close captions to meet your viewers' needs and desires.

This tip applies to all YouTube videos - but it's a general best practice that many brands don't follow. Include high-quality video transcripts that you have created and approved. Only user-uploaded copies are indexed by Google because YouTube's default captions can be less reliable. Depending on your target audience, you may also want to include transcripts written in various other languages. You can also offer users the option to download or visit a site page with the full transcription of your video description.

9. Qualifying viewers.

Sometimes your ad will be seen by people who have no interest in your product. Encourage them to skip the ad if the content isn't relevant so you don't have to pay to view and they don't waste their time watching irrelevant ads.

10. Consider making your ad longer.

When it comes to TrueView ads, if the ad is less than 30 seconds long, you only pay if the viewer watches to the end. If the ad is longer than 30 seconds, you pay if the viewer watches it for at least 30 seconds. Either way, you pay if a viewer interacts with your ad before it ends. Keep this in mind when you come up with ideas for ad content. You may want to place messages at a point so that uninterested viewers can skip the ad, or you may offer specials at the end of the video.

The future of video is bright.

Video content is an essential part of your content strategy. It's now true that YouTube allows marketers to target users based on their search history. Advertising on YouTube is more targeted than ever, and it's less competitive than in the Google search world because video content is newer on the content scene and less popular than blog posts.


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